Cheater! Sting x Pregnant! Reader | Why? | Part 3

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Woah... so many people wanted a third part to this story that it was so overwhelming! I'm glad you guys like this plot and I hope you enjoy this oneshot.

Sorry that this is quite rushed, but I hope you like this anyways. It's a happy ending! (I think? But the oneshot itself is not that great)

I didn't really want to write a typical scenario that I see all the time in books so you have this...

Published: 23rd of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

After a month, no one in Sabertooth found any clues as to where [Name] had disappeared off to. The mood in the guild had almost entirely changed.

People stayed clear of Minerva and Sting, who both became quick to anger. Both gave off horrible auras that threatened anyone who disrupted them as they discussed where she could possibly be.

The month turned into half a year and there were still no signs of [Name] coming back.

Sting grit his teeth as he started writing to the other guilds to help look for her. He laid his head on the table as he pushed the papers to the side.

The pen that he held in his hand broke in half as he threw it across the room. He sighed, glancing at the gift that he kept on his desk ever since he came back to find her missing.

It was still wrapped beautifully, just as he found it. He pushed away his curiosity to open it because he wanted to be with her.

"[Name]... please... come back to me..." Sting muttered under his breath. He wanted to punch something, but he knew that Rogue would kill him for breaking anything else in the office.

A knock sounded from the door, making Sting sit up. He forced himself to not look as though he was dying, even though he was on the inside.

"Come in" Sting called, taking another pen to continue writing.

A girl came in; one that he didn't recognise much. She was smiling. Something that the majority of the guild didn't do much off now.

"Master~ Rogue told me to get you to eat something" she sang, placing a tray on Sting's table, which contained food and tea.

"Great thanks" he said in a monotone. He didn't glance up, not noticing the glare that she sent to the present on his desk.

Sting continued to finish the letter, still smelling the wrong perfume that the girl in front of him wore, which indicated that she hadn't left.

"What else do you want?"

"Aren't you going to eat Master?" she asked. Sting winced slightly. Her voice was starting to hurt his sensitive ears.

"Later. I've got to send the letter first" Sting spoke in the same monotone.

"I'll gladly go send it for you!"

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