Rogue x Gray's Sister! Reader | He's the Enemy

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『 He's The Enemy 』

Sometimes, I feel that being Gray's younger sister can be difficult. It's not because he isn't nice to me and nor is it because of Fairy Tail.

Well actually, technically it is. I hate it when he leaves on a job, especially when it is potentially dangerous.

Like this year's S-Class trials for example. It was scary just waiting in the guild, hoping that he would come back. Although normally, I'm not concerned with the trails since it's relatively safe, I had a bad feeling this year.

I frowned as I played with the bed sheets, watching him pack a small bag, preparing to leave tomorrow.

"What's wrong?" He asked me even though I had given no sign of my anxiousness.

"Don't go, please," I begged of him even though I already knew the answer.

"Why not?" He asked as though it were a joke, ceasing his packing and focusing on me.

"Something bad is going to happen," I muttered, barely managing to hide my shaking hands.

"I'm sorry [Name], I don't care what you think or say, but I have to go. I need to get into S-Class,"

"Fine. Promise you'll get me [Favourite Food] when you come back?" I asked, looking at him. He chuckled and stood up to ruffle my hair, messing it up.

"Sure, I'll get you whatever you want,"

I jumped on him to hug him and the both of us landed on the floor.

"Yay! Love you!"

"Love you too," he smiled at me.


I walked beside Gray to the guild, just like any other day. But this time, we walked right pass the guild and headed towards the dock, where a large ship waited.

I stayed on the dock, watching him go on the ship. Then, something come flying towards me. I caught it in my hands and opened them to see his necklace.

I smiled. He always did this. Every time he left, he'll give me his necklace. I put it around my neck and waved as I watched the ship become smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

It became a symbol that he'll always return to retrieve the necklace.

I turned on my heel towards the guild, he'll be back soon. He promised and he always keeps his promise. I reassured myself, though I wasn't convinced the slightest bit.

I clutched the necklace tight, clinging to my hopes.

I had seen it in my dreams, a black dragon with blue markings attacking Tenrou Island.

But I was only a child, so of course, he wouldn't listen. I can only hope that my dreams were only dreams and nothing else.


I stood on the same dock where I last saw him, 7 years ago. I clung onto the necklace that was around my neck. I can't believe it. It's been 7 years, 7 years since he left me. Since they left.

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