Freed x Reader | Secret

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Requested by Neverletgoandlive

『 Secret 』

[Name] [Surname] can be considered to be quite a peculiar person. On the surface, she seems to be a wonderful and beautiful girl who had a strong magic power.

But anyone who took a proper look at her would see a lonely and cold girl who never showed genuine happiness. She would always do her best to avoid others and prefers the company of her books over anything else.

No one knew who she was despite her popularity. Not even the greatest reporter could manage to dig out the secrets of how she became the way she was.

She lived in a world entirely of her own and was a mystery to all.

[Name] moved around quite a lot and tended to avoid towns where other mages resided. She had been staying in this town for well over a month now.

"How was your trip dear?" The landlady asked kindly when the girl walked past.

"It went quite well," [Name] replied with a polite smile plastered on her face. "And I plan to leave for a long time, here's this week's rent."

The girl set a sack of jewels in front of the landlady before heading up towards her room to fetch her belongings. It was almost abnormally neat, as though a ghost had used the room.

Without wasting any more time, she picked up the small satchel and swung it over her shoulder. It was quite difficult to believe that she had been staying in this spotless room for over a month.

As [Name] took the small path out of town, she pulled the hood of her cloak up to cover her face. However, it didn't really matter anyway since people seemed to recognise her even with it on.

With her mysterious, powerful magic and aloof personality, people seemed to be drawn to know her. Unwanted paragraphs about her would be on the front pages of Sorcerer Weekly, making it a nuisance for her.

Talking with a client was already pretty bad for her but a nosy one who constantly pried about her past and personality irritated her to no extent. She hated them more than anything but as a recognised independent mage, she had to keep her clients happy to earn money.

When [Name] finally reached the client's house, she was hesitant about working with other people. It was just that she had an issue trusting others.

When the door opened, she was invited inside to sit on the couch. The client had asked her to wait and she had nodded politely with a fake smile.

She watched him leave to prepare cups of tea and opened up her satchel. She dug into it and eventually pulled out a rather large book. She opened the book to the page where she last read.

But the door opened soon afterwards, making it so that she was only able to read a few pages. [Name] reluctantly looked up from her book to glance at the newcomers.

They all had one thing in common. They were from the renowned guild of creating chaos — Fairy Tail.

"If it isn't too much trouble Miss [Name]. I understand that your condition, but I would appreciate it if--" the client started to speak but [Name] was a step ahead, already knowing what he was about to say.

"It's perfectly fine," she lied through her smile, something that she was used to. He didn't have to phrase it like that. There was a reason why she hated working with others. "I don't particularly mind."

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