Natsu x Reader | Winner

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I thought of this concept when trying to think of an idea for the previous oneshot. Thought it might be cool to add to the plot that you originally wanted.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

The two stood in the clearing, standing opposite the other. Neither made a move as Lucy sat to the side, hugging Plue. She was clearly bored.

"Why are we doing this?" She whined, glancing between the pink haired mage and [Hair Colour] haired mage.

"I'm tired of being beaten by you [Name]! This time I'll win! Loser has to do what the winner wants for a day!" Natsu announced, pointing at the girl.

"It's only natural that I win, after all, water will always put out the fire" [Name] smiled calmly.

"Since when has logic like that ever applied here?" Lucy mumbled, sighing.


"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

[Name] only dodged the sudden attack, kicking Natsu back with water surrounding her foot.

"Water Dragon Roar!" She yelled, sending a blast to Natsu, which he took head on. He had scratches on his body and [Name] showed the slightest bit of concern in her eyes.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!"

[Name] ducked as the attack barely grazed her head. She jumped ahead to punch Natsu as he quickly blocked.

They started hitting and dodging in return, barely using magic as they went at it. Beads of sweat appeared on [Name]'s forehead as Natsu seemed unfazed.

"Hey, [Name], why did you change so fast?" Natsu asked, spotting a change in the girl's fighting style.

"Just thought I would change it up" [Name] smiled, doing a backflip and kicking Natsu in the process.

"Water Dragon Talon!" She yelled as water revolved around Natsu, which sent him flying as he hit a tree.

"Well that was unusually quick, are you in a rush [Name]?" Lucy asked, standing up as she yawned.

"Just thought we might want to go back to the guild. I am getting quite hungry" [Name] answered, panting slightly.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Lucy asked. "It's not like you to be tired after a fight with Natsu"

"Yup! I'm perfectl--" [Name] winced, bending over, a hand on her stomach. Lucy whipped around to check on [Name], seeing red on her clothing.

"[Name]! What happened?!" Lucy's eyes widened in shock as she saw the blood seeping through [Name]'s clothes.

"It's nothi--"

[Name] was interrupted by a yell and flames burning. The two girls watched as Natsu stood up, flames surrounding him.

"I'm not going down that easily! Lightning Flame Dragon's Brilliant Flame!!"

"No! Natsu! Stop that!" But Lucy's warning didn't reach Natsu's ears.

The giant blast was sent to [Name], who was in no condition to dodge or counterattack.

[Name] panted heavily as she fell to one knee, blood seeping from her stomach even more, one eye closed in pain.

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