Wendy x Romeo | Best Friends

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Because this particular requester seemed to ship Romeo and Wendy a lot, I decided to make this oneshot a lot more Rowen based. But of course, I still include the reader as a second Mir-- I mean, what?

Sorry that this isn't a Romeo x Reader, but I like to do my best to cater to the requester's wishes. That being said, somethings my best isn't good enough.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] watched as Romeo and Wendy quietly conversed with each other in the corner of the guild.

The three of them easily became best friends after Wendy and [Name] came back from Tenrou Island since they were now around the same age.

Though [Name] only wished that her two best friends were more than that.

"[Name], where are Wendy and Romeo?" Mira asked as she walked over, leaning over the bar to talk to the younger girl.

"Over there Mira-San" [Name] answered, raising a finger to the two for Mira to see.

Mira smiled when she spotted them, talking and laughing. She looked to [Name], a plan already forming in her mind.

"Aren't you going to talk with them?" Mira asked.

"No, I don't want to interrupt, but they look really cute together, you think so too right?" [Name] asked, smiling as she sipped from the straw.

"Definitely! It would be so nice if they asked each other out"

"They might as well admit that they like each other already" [Name] pointed out, finishing the drink.

"You're certain that they like each other?" Mira asked, taking the empty glass from [Name].

"I think?" [Name] said, uncertain. 

"Well, we'll just have to give them a little push don't you think?" Mira glanced back at the two.

"Perhaps" [Name] agreed.

"We have to be certain that they like each other, do you have an idea?" Mira asked as [Name] brought a hand to her chin.

"No clue, but I'm their best friend! I'm sure I'll find a way" [Name] smiled.

"Alright then, come back later and tell me what you found out" Mira smiled, going to clean the glass.

"That's a promise" [Name] agreed, standing and walking over to the table where Wendy and Romeo were sitting.

Wendy was the first to notice the girl coming and she nudged Romeo, smiling at [Name].

"[Name]! Let's go do something tomorrow" Romeo suggested, looking up.

[Name] pulled out a seat to sit down, trying to think of how to get them to be alone. She really doubts that they would casually admit it in front of the other.

"That sounds great. What about a job?" [Name] smiled, leaning her arm on the table.

"Oh! We were talking about it just then. There has to be a job that we can do right?"

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