Edolas! Hughes x Reader | Cruel Fate | Part 2

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『 Cruel Fate 』

"Princess?" Coco asked from outside the door. "The King wants to see you. I'll wait for you in at the stairs in the basement"

I didn't reply as I heard her leave. I sighed and walked out the room. Their friends are trapped as a giant Lacrima, Father no doubt wants me to convert them to magic energy.

As I walked, I was pulled to a corner, I opened my mouth but stayed silent when I noticed who it was.

"What do you need?" I asked my other self.

"Look, you need to help us, let me take your place and save my friends" she begged.

"Go, but how would they know? You've never been a Princess"

"Magic, you know?" She smiled, a bright light surrounded her and her clothes turned to mine. "Transformation magics my specialty, along with [Element] Dragon Slaying Magic"

"Wait, tell Coco to get her Legion and help you out. Take this" I took a small Lacrima out my pocket.

"What is it?" She asked, staring at it twirling it in her hands. I smiled.

"A gift my brother gave me, he said that if I ever, desperately needed help, smash it to the ground. Use it wisely" I told her.

She hugged me before walking the way I came. I walked back to my room, seeing no guards there. I breathed and quickly slipped in, my only option now was to hope and pray that I made the right choice to make.

As I sat on my bed, a loud explosion was heard and I turned, looking outside my window to see the Lacrima and Extalia, inches away from each other, except that the Lacrima was gone. I quickly ran down to the battle grounds.

I looked up to the sky and saw an endless, ongoing battle. For the first time in a long while, I was scared.

The Doroma Animu, the exceeds turning into Lacrimas, it was all a mess, and it was my Father who started it.

Suddenly, a Legion was hurling towards me and my eyes widened. I couldn't move if I tried. My body was frozen out of fear.

I instinctively covered my face with my arm, shutting my eyes, scared.

I waited a second...

10 seconds.

And yet nothing happened.

"Princess, are you alright?" I heard a voice behind me. I opened my eyes to see the Legion meters in front of me, covered in bandages. Hughes.

"I'm fine" I said, looking up to the battle. "Just scared of what might happen"

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you" I heard seriousness in his voice.

"Thank you" I gave him a small smile before turning away to see two people running to us.

"Brother?" I whispered.

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