Silver x Reader | Memories

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Requested by Miss_Geek_Girl

『 Memories 』

As the fight between Tartaros and Fairy Tail waged on, a [Hair Colour] haired girl caught sight of a man who resembled Gray. Immediately, a growl escaped her lips and her fists clenched.

"You take care of this! I'll get him!" [Name] called out to her friends, her heart determined to follow that man.

"Right! Stay safe!"

"I'll be back in one piece," she called again, later mumbling to herself. "I won't let you hurt the boy I see as my little brother. If he saw you now... I won't let that happen."

She stormed though the battlefield and turned around a corner, leaving the sounds of war behind her growing more and more quiet.

"Can I help you?" Silver turned around once he was sure that no one had followed them.

"Why are you here? You're supposed to be dead," to the her inability to control her anger, fire shot at the Ice Devil Slayer.

"Have we met before?" He froze the fire without lifting a finger. She watched his eyes as he froze her attack.

"I've met you, but not the other way around," She said. "I've seen you in his memories and you should not be alive."

"Well, I'll tell you now, I was only heavily injured," He replied, a spell shooting towards [Name], who barely dodged and was scratched in the face as a result. Smoke appeared as a distraction and when she uncovered her eyes, he had disappeared from his precious position.

"I know you're behind the rock, so there's no use hiding," [Name] stepped closer, her footsteps echoing off the rocks surrounding them.

"You're sharper than I thought," he stepped out with a smirk.

"He's going to be hurt once he sees you," [Name] seething, blasting the rock behind Silver and making him freeze them again. Her eyes glowed a golden colour as she watched him freeze the rocks. "Out of all things, why did you join Tartaros?!"

"Hey, this is my own choice, not yours to criticise,"

"I don't care, you're Gray's father! Why did you join demons out of all things?!" [Name] yelled once again but was blasted back. She coughed, causing blood to splatter on the ground.

"You stay out of this, this is a family matter which doesn't involve you," he looked over at the girl.

Unknowingly to him, [Name] broke off a piece of ice and somehow melted it in her hands.

"Hey? You dead already?" Curious, he walked closer.

But it was a mistake. Out of nowhere, ice darted along the ground and towards the man, who didn't see it until too late.

In mere seconds, Silver was covered in ice, an exact replica of his own. Frozen in place, he could only watch as the [Hair Colour] haired girl walked over to him, her eyes glowing gold.

She reached out a hand to touch his head, seeing his memories from the very beginning. She never liked to use this skill with force, but she had to know what was going on, whether he likes it or not.

Multiple scenes played out through her head, making her gasp and clutch her own head in pain. She stared at the man, seeing why he did it. She heard a bang in the distance, followed by someone calling Silver's name.

She made a split second decision, melting the ice around the man and grabbing his arm, pushing him behind rocks.


"Shut up," [Name] spoke in a hushed whisper. She listened closely for footsteps and sure enough, the person left, turning back.

"Stay here, stay out of sight,"

"And why should I listen to you?"

"Gray's alive and Tartaros will not survive. You aren't dead and I cannot let you die. Fairy Tail will win this war, however, it'll be bad if Gray sees you right now," she spoke calmly, but then showed a sickening sweet smile. "But of course, if you don't agree, I'll just freeze you here and get you later. I'm confident in my ability to win."

"Fine, fine, you win. I'll stay."


After the battle, [Name] made her way back to where she left Silver with a frown on her face.

"What is it?" He appeared, asking the girl. She only shook her head.

"Nothing, nothing, I think we should wait a while before you tell Gray," she mumbled.

"What? Is he dead to something?"

"No, I said a while, not never," she retorted, looking away. "It's just... something happened. "

"Well, I'm sorry for that,"

"If you want to tell Gray, that's fine by me," She muttered, leaning on a rock and closing her eyes. "I think I'll be going on my own journey now."

"You're just going to leave me here?" Silver asked incredulously. "The rest of your guild mates think I'm from Tartaros, they'll think I survived. And they're gonna want answers that I don't plan on giving."

"They won't trouble you," she said dejectedly. "Fairy Tail's gone after all."

Just saying those words felt unreal. The pain stung her like no other. Her family was gone.

"Just because it was announced gone, doesn't mean it was," Silver grabbed her arm, making her look up. "Doesn't Fairy Tail have a bond stronger than family? You think a few words will end that?"

She froze, thinking back of all the times she had with her family, happy or sad. Remembering the memories they shared.

"You're a good man, just like Gray," she finally smiled up at him before standing and walking off. "I'm going to visit a few villages, you can come if you like."

"I'll be glad to, after all, there's nothing better to do," he followed. [Name] smiled, red slightly dusting her cheeks as she looked ahead, the moonlight guiding the way.

The starts were bright, almost illuminating the path. Fairy Tail isn't gone, it'll forever be a part of her life, it'll forever be a part of her memories and as long as those memories are still remembered,

He was right. Fairy Tail will always be with her. No matter what anyone else says.

She'll never let it go. Even if everyone else forgets, the Memory Mage will always remember, no matter what. Fairy Tail will live on forever, in her memories, along with her encounter with Silver.

Memories - End 』

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