Yandere! Rogue x Reader | Mine

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I wasn't sure at first how I would do this, I'm sorry that Rogue's not exactly a yandere here. He's quite, no... very, very (super) tame as compared to some yandere characters.

To be honest, he's more overly protective but I just don't think that Rogue would do all the stuff that yandere characters would normally do so that's why I didn't write him as crazy as them, as someone who would kill for his love. (What? No, I'm not looking at you Yuno... oh no...)

Don't worry everyone, there is no bloodshed in this oneshot. It's perfectly safe and fine to read ^^. (Probably)

Published: 20th of January, 2018

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

No one really bothered [Name] in Sabertooth. Everyone made sure to never upset her while she was in the guild, in his sight.

This was of course because they feared what Rogue would do to them in return.

It wasn't because he would fight and injure them. No. It was far worse. He would silently glare from where he sat in the guild, creating terror in those who felt the glare. Making shivers run up their spines.

[Name] walked over to where Rogue was sitting with Frosch, talking quietly with the exceed, though all they did was exchange a few words before Frosch flew over to Lector.

The girl sat across from Rogue, smiling widely as she slid a job across the table to him. He glanced up at her before picking it up to read over.

"I found it behind another job, the reward's really good and it's not like it's anything that we haven't done before" [Name] explained, propping her cheek on one arm.

"Do you want to ask Sting?" Rogue asked her in a slightly cold tone.

He didn't like it when she thought of other men.

"No, let's just go by ourselves" [Name] gave him a sweet smile, barely noticing his odd tone. "Why don't we leave now? The sooner the better right?"

"Right" Rogue muttered, standing up and [Name] did the same.

[Name] took his hand, leading him gently out of the guild and towards their apartments, chatting along the way. Rogue listened to her without complaint, allowing her to talk on.

They both agreed to meet at the train station after getting their things together before leaving their separate ways.

[Name] walked to her apartment by herself, quickly grabbing the bag that she always had ready beside the doors before walking back out again.

Her magic wasn't great for harming and attacking others, so she always stayed on the sidelines. Though that didn't mean that she wasn't powerful.

She could easily enchant others' magic to be more powerful and more effective against enemies. In the same sense, she could also enchant herself to be more powerful and enemies to be weaker.

She hated seeing others being hurt and liked to help others.

As [Name] walked towards the train station, she felt the presence of two other people behind her. Following her.

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