Freed x Lucy's Sister! Reader | Not Like Others

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『 Not Like Others 』

As the Thunder Legion travelled down the path, from a rather large mansion, they couldn't help but wonder why this man seemed familiar, yet they've never encountered someone like him before.

"Don't you think it's odd?" Evergreen asked.

"What is? I don't think it's odd. Seems simple. Get the girl back and get the money" Bickslow replied.

"Money! Money! Money!" His dolls replied.

"I doubt that's the only reason he needs the girl"

"Enough you two, we should hurry. The girl could possibly in danger" Freed told the two.

They stopped and hurried to follow Freed, not wanting to be left behind.

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

A girl screamed as she was taken away from the path she was walking on.

"Look what we 'ave. Little Princess 'eartfilla. What's Daddy gonna do when he finds you with us?" A male voice had said.

"W-what do you want with me?" Said girl replied, fear evident in her voice.

"Don't worry little one. We'll take good care care of you. Till your Daddy buys you back of course" another voice told her.

The girl shook, immediately regretting her decision of running away.

"P-Please don't" she begged.

"No can do Missy, who knows 'ow much 'e'll give to get 'is Princess back" the man smirked, dragging the girl by her [Hair Colour] hair, tying a cloth around her mouth. She tried to scream again, but it was only muffled by the gag.

Instead of trying even more and wasting her energy, the clever girl dropped her hair pin on the ground.

Hoping that maybe someone would find her.

She doesn't want to be locked up again.


The Thunder Legion hurried along a path in the cold weather. They had to find her soon, or she'll certainly freeze.

"Oh look! This hair pin would go lovely in my hair!" Evergreen exclaimed, seeing hair pin on the ground. She bent to pick it up, but before she had a chance, Freed snatched it away. "Wha? Freed! Give it back!"

"This pin... it's too elaborate to be a common girl's pin. It has to be hers." Freed told the rest, brushing the dirt from the pin.

"Yeah! There's footprints leading this way. Let's go this way" Bickslow exclaimed, looking at the damp dirt floor.

"This way! This way! This way!"

The team of three walked off the road, keeping an eye out for any footprints or tracks.

~~~ [Name]'s POV ~~~

I sat alone, in the cold cell. I cried. I don't want to go back. I want to find Lucy. I don't want this life.

I don't want to be in this cell.

"Hey! Shut up Princess! You ain't gonna get a First Class treatment here!" The guard from outside yelled at me.

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