Dragon Slayer's x Mizu's Sister! Reader | High School | AU

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Just to clarify, Mizu is an OC (Original Character) from Fate_and_Disgrace and this is a high school AU. Let us just pretend that they are in high school...

Name: Mizu Mercer
Looks: deep ocean blue hair, eyes that looks like fire, tan skin, a scar on his right wrist, and he wears a flannel, jeans, and cowboy boots
Likes: his sister being perfect, seeing her happy, and everything
Dislikes: his sister being depressed, seeing her harmed, and having to fight her
Background story: when he was about 4 or 3 he would always give his sister leg massages, keep an umbrella over her head, and try to keep her perfect. He would always get over protective of her also when it comes to love. He would boss the guy that is going out with his sister.

(I'm also really sorry for not including everything that you might have expected. I changed it a bit. If you don't like it, I'll change it... perhaps...)

This one isn't that great, I wrote it out over a span of several days so there will be problems with grammar and inconsistency. It doesn't help that this has 7433 words

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] Mercer was an exceptionally capable girl. She had good grades, a kind personality and was highly reliable. In school, almost everyone seemed to know who she was.

She was admired by everyone and seemed perfect in every way.

She was especially loved by her little brother, Mizu Mercer, who cared for her. He always swore to protect her.

"Come on Mizu, let's go" [Name] called from the door, holding out the younger boy's school bag.

"Thank you sis" Mizu yawned, swinging his school bag on his shoulder.

[Name] leaned down, fixing his tie and his collar before straightening up. A radiant smile on her face as she patted his blue hair.

They walked to school together, as Mizu chatted about the grades on his assessments, grinning happily.

"I'm proud of you" [Name] told him, making his smile grow wider.

"I want to be just like you!" Mizu grinned just as they walked into the school gates.

"I know, but you should chose another role model. I'm not that great"

"No! You're the best" Mizu assured her. "I have a math test today! I'll get a perfect score, just like you always do!"

"I'm sure you will" [Name] told him, just as a figure ran to them.

"[Name]! Morning! I was dropped off early today, there's no one from the group here who can talk with me. Thank goodness you came" Lucy grinned, she turned to Mizu, smiling kindly. "Morning Mizu, hope you don't mind me borrowing your sister?"

"Don't worry Lucy, it's fine. I spotted my friends by the tree" Mizu told her, before he turned to leave for his locker area.

"See you later" [Name] called out to him.

"Yup!" Mizu turned around, waving. Lucy sighed, looking at him.

"I wish I had a little brother like him" She said, linking her arms though [Name]'s. "You're lucky"

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