Gajeel x Reader x Laxus | Kingdom | AU

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Sorry I didn't ask, but I thought this would make a nice plot, since Gajeel and Laxus don't really have much common in Fairy Tail, well from what I remember.

So... I made up another universe because I couldn't think of a situation with them in Fairy Tail. It's not the best, very rushed.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom isolated from everyone else.

It was a beautiful kingdom, where flowers bloomed all year round. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring was always beautiful.

No matter what time of the year, the kingdom always looked lovely and flourished. Even in the cold, harsh winds of winter, the kingdom would turn into a miraculous Winter Wonderland.

And above all, the kingdom was relatively peaceful, no wars ever happened there.

The King and Queen of the kingdom had a beautiful daughter. Her name is [Name].

But in a world full of selfish human desires, peace cannot last long. With so many people trying to be powerful, it is impossible for there to be everlasting peace.

Eventually, someone will cave into  the desire to cause chaos.

[Name] walked along the many corridors of the castle, her guard right behind her.

His name? Laxus Dreyar. The grandson of the captain of the guards.

"Let's go into town today, what do you say?" [Name] asked, looking back at the taller man.

"If that's what you want then I'll follow" Laxus answered stiffly.

[Name] frowned slightly, but quickly covered it up as she started to walk out of the castle gates. Laxus followed behind her.

They've been with each other since childhood. His grandfather had always been close to the royal family.

But he was always so serious when on duty and to a point, it almost frustrated her.

"Come on, you can walk closer. It's perfectly fine" [Name] said, taking his arm.

"Sure" Laxus mumbled under his breath, complying.

[Name] was always like this. More open and more friendly. She was confident and just lovely to be with.

Laxus was more cold and reserved. He obeyed rules carefully, never daring to step out of line in fear of being separated from [Name].

They walked into the town, with [Name] keeping a hood over her face. No matter how much she loved to visit the town, it'll only cause unwanted attention if she is to be recognised.

There was a market going on today. Children ran around everywhere, looking at the different stalls.

[Name] smiled, looking around. The atmosphere was always so lively.

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