Romeo x Neko! Child! Reader | Sunset | Part 2

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Requested by EmoLoverLovesYou

Well, I tried and I hope you like it! I altered this scene a bit from the anime. This'll hopefully be the last oneshot for this exact plot.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

A few days later, Romeo and [Name] had gone to get ice cream at [Name]'s request.

Romeo watched as [Name] cheerfully licked the ice cream, swinging her legs back and forth on the bench.

"[Name], you're going to get a brain freeze if you keep eating that fast" Romeo told the little Neko.

"I'm fine! I don't get brain freezes!" [Name] cheered, closing her eyes and continuing to eat. Romeo smiled at her, slowly eating his cone as well.

[Name] hummed a small tune, the sun still high in the sky. She knew that something would happen today. She could feel it.

"Today's a good day!" [Name] announced, finishing up her cone.

"How do you know?" Romeo asked, wanting to know what the little girl thought.

"I just do! Trust me Romeo-Nii! You're going to be really happy today! Everyone is!" [Name] told the boy, using exaggerated gestures.

"Right, I say that's not going to happen"


"You still don't understand why everyone's so sad right?"

[Name] nodded, eyes wide in anticipation of the truth.

"Well, you won't understand, so I'll tell you when you're older"

"Is that a promise?"


"You have to do a pinky promise!" [Name] stuck out her pinky.

"What? Why would I do that?" Romeo asked, confused.

"A pinky promise!" [Name] pouted, eyes wide, threatening to cry.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it, don't start crying please" Romeo linked his pinky with hers and she smiled brightly.

"Yay! You're the best Romeo-Nii!" [Name] clapped her hands, smiling. [Name] hugged Romeo, leaning to him. Her ears twitched as she heard laughter and happiness from the guild.

"Should we go back to the guild now?" Romeo asked, standing, causing [Name] to follow.

"Yeah! You'll be very surprised when you get back!" [Name] smiled.

"Yeah, definitely" Romeo said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"You will! I bet you'll be smiling and you'll be very happy!" [Name] pouted, holding his hand as she balanced on ledges.

"What do you bet?" Romeo asked, teasing the little girl.

"If I'm right then you have to buy me ice cream again!"

"I do that anyways" Romeo pointed out.

"Doesn't matter! Romeo-Nii, you still have to get me ice cream again!"

"What if I'm right?"

"You don't get anything because I know I'm right" [Name] let go of his hand, jumping off the ledge on running into the guild hall.

"Hey! [Name]! No! Wait!" Romeo quickly chased after the little girl, who had closed the doors behind her.

Romeo opened the doors and stared in shock. Seeing everyone back, everyone from the Tenrou Team. Right in front of his eyes.

Tears started forming in his eyes as he stared at them. All safe and sound.

"Hey Romeo! You've grown a lot!" Natsu waved, grinning.


"Wow! You're adorable!" Lucy exclaimed, bending down to [Name]'s level.

"My name's [Name]!" [Name] smiled. "It's nice to meet you big sister!"

"We took [Name] in a few weeks ago, she used to stay with Bisca-Nee and Alzack-Nii" Romeo told everyone from Tenrou Island.

"Romeo-Nii! I was right!" [Name] hugged his arm, leaning into it. "Now you have to get me ice cream!"

"Sure" Romeo ruffled her hair.

"Yay!" She cheered, jumping up.

"Speaking of [Name], she needs a place to stay. Alzack and Bisca seem to be pretty busy themselves" Macao started talking.

"I'll take care of her!" Lucy smiled, giving a hand to [Name]. "My name's Lucy"

[Name] walked over, taking Lucy's hand.

"Yay!" She cheered, suddenly smiling. She hugged Lucy, quickly pulling back. "New friends! Lucy-Nee, do you live in Fairy Hills?"

"No, I live in an apartment, I didn't know Fairy Tail had a dorm when I first joined"

"Okay" [Name] smiled, turning around to Romeo. "Romeo-Nii! Romeo-Nii!"


"Where's Asuka-Chan? I wanna play!" [Name] clapped her hands. "You seem busy, Romeo-Nii"

"I don't know, she's probably asleep. Speaking of which, you should get some sleep now, you were up pretty early today" Romeo looked down at the little Neko.

"I'm not tired!" She smiled innocently. "I perfectly fine! I wanna play!"

"[Name]. Get some rest, we can play tomorrow alright?" Romeo smiled at the Neko, who pouted.

"Fine. I'll go to sleep" [Name] yawned, rubbing her eye.

"I'll take you to my house" Lucy offered, standing up.


[Name] followed Lucy out of the guild, a skip in her steps. Once they were a distance away from the guild, Lucy spoke up.

"I'm curious, [Name], what do you think of Romeo?"

"Romeo-Nii?" [Name] asked, tilting her head and thinking hard. "Romeo-Nii is like a big brother to me! A big brother I've never had!"

"Awe~" Lucy smiled, patting [Name]'s head. "Aren't you adorable"

~~~ End ~~~

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