Erza x Strawberry Cake | Love of Cake

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Well, this one is certainly different, but nevertheless, I have never rejected a request yet and I don't plan to either, so here's an Erza oneshot involving her love for strawberry cake.

Be warned, it's really weird.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

It was just a normal day at the guild and [Name] could only stare into space, bored out of her mind.

There was already a fight going on; one that [Name] didn't wish to participate in. Apart from the fight, things were too quiet.

It was as though trouble had decided to take a vacation. Not a single request laid on the board.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Erza finishing her piece of strawberry shortcake, acting as though nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

But then again, Erza was right, it's not like anything extraordinary was going on. [Name] watched as Erza walked towards the bar, where she happened to be sitting.

"Mira, I'm going back to Fairy Hills for a while, keep my cake safe" Erza said, motioning to the cake on the bar and Mira nodded, smiling as always. Erza nodded as well, satisfied as she walked out of the guild.

[Name] saw the prized cake in the spot a few spots away from her. Natsu and Gray were fighting near near it.

An idea suddenly flew to [Name]'s head and she smirked. An idea to cure her boredom.

[Name]'s eyes glowed a faint [Favourite Colour] hue as she looked at the cake. It disappeared, into her magic space. Safe.

She looked at Natsu and Gray as they punched each other. Her eyes glowed once again and the two flew back, breaking the part of the bar where the cake once was.

[Name] caused an illusion to appear. To make it seem as though the cake was broken.

Mira gasped as the two boys still fought on the ground. [Name] faked shock and stood as well, trying not to laugh.

"Erza's cake!" [Name] said, making the two boys freeze.

It was like a horror movie as they slowly turned, looking at the illusion that [Name] created. But of course, they didn't know that it was an illusion.

The two of them trembled in fear, immediately hugging each other. [Name] smirked once again, covering her hand.

"You'll have to go get Erza another cake if you don't want to die" [Name] helpfully pointed out.

The two of them ran out of the doors, but before Natsu left, he grabbed Lucy's hand, dragging her along as Happy trailed behind all of them.

[Name] helped Mira clean up, offering to throw the remains of the ruined cave away.

"Make sure you don't let Erza see" she told [Name], seriously.

"I know" [Name] said, waiting until she turned her back to grab more drinks. She made the illusion disappear.

Not long after, Natsu and Gray ran back into the guild, face white while Lucy ran in after them.

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