Loke x Neko! Reader | Opposites Attract

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Well, you aren't exactly a Neko here because apparently there's no cat constellation today. So you're a lynx! Kay? I actually did some research on this. And you call him Leo, not Loke.

The Lynx constellation is faint, which is why your magic involves shadows and stealth.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] watched as her friend was summoned to the human world. She couldn't just stand by anymore. Aries didn't deserve it.

"This isn't fair" she muttered, her sharp ears hearing what her mistress was doing to Aries.

[Name] closed her eyes, summoning herself to the human world. Whatever happens, Aries was a dear friend and a golden key.

Karen used and abused Aries on a daily basis. [Name] just wanted to save Aries for once, since [Name] always felt bad for watching Aries suffer.

"Please stop it Mistress" [Name] stood in front of Aries. "Aries didn't do anything"

"Then who was it?! Who ratted me out to Master Bob?" Karen threatened. Aries disappeared.

To say the truth, [Name] had no idea how Master Bob knew. She had not a clue who would tell him but she knew that it wasn't Aries.

"I did." She said and was slapped backwards, hitting the floor. Her ears and tail twitched out of pain.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She kicked at the poor girl, who didn't dare resist. Karen took out handcuffs that were tied together with a chain.

"W-What are those for?" She stuttered out, eyes widening, holding her stomach.

"I'm going to use them to lock you up for seven days. Right here in the human world" Karen threatened. [Name] gulped, trembling in fear.

"Your magic won't last for seven days" [Name] told her. "Please don't do thi--"

"I'm a lot stronger than you think Missy. I'll be just fine" Karen licked her lips in a sadistic manner. "I've always wondered what seven days in the human world would do to a celestial spirit. I can't wait to find out"

[Name] crawled the slightest bit backwards. Her magic wouldn't last that long, what would happen to her?

She knew that she would die. She knew that something bad would happen to her. Can she last that long? Will her friends even notice?

Surely, Leo would.

"Please don't do this Mistress, you'll regret it"

A sudden magical forced pulled [Name] away from the human world and she disappeared in a golden light.

[Name] opened her eyes once again to see that she was once again, in her room. In her place in the celestial world.

[Name] sat on the floor, hugging her knees. She was tired. More than tired as she felt the consequence of summoning herself. It took too much magical power. She's only a silver key.

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