Sting x Reader | Brat | Part 2

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I had no idea how I was supposed to write a second part to a horrible oneshot and plot. But I tried my best... and most likely failed.

Just a reminder, reader is a male here.

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] stood at the top of the hill as he raised his head towards the sky, watching as the clouds slowly passed overhead.

Sure it was nice to come back once in a while and be with friends, but it was just... just...

So boring. So unbelievably dull.

Yes, they are his friends, his guild, but it just wasn't the same as being on a job. Eventually he grew bored of the parties that were held. He grew bored of the small talk.

He enjoyed taking long jobs. He enjoyed the thrill and excitement of hunting beasts that have killed so many. He enjoyed the sense of adventure.

He disliked jobs that were short and simple. He cared nothing for the rewards, just the feeling of helping someone in need was enough.

[Name] was known in the guild for almost never being there. Especially when Jiemma was the Master. [Name] only stayed in the guild long enough to find another job.

Much to Sting's dismay. They were meant to best friends, yet he rarely ever saw the [Hair Colour] haired boy ever since they joined Sabertooth.

A few months after [Name], Sting and Rogue joined Sabertooth,[Name] was quick to find out that Sabertooth wasn't normal. He realised that Sabertooth wasn't how a guild was supposed to work.

He started taking longer jobs that lasted months by himself. He always came back to threats by the Master. Threats that told him to hurry up and stop being so useless and slow at completing difficult jobs.

[Name] remembered those times where everyone was under Jiemma's rule. There was no laughter in the guild. There was no colour. Nothing to go back to.

Sting and Rogue were both different from who they were when the three were children. That's why [Name] never brought them on the missions he took.

Because they were almost like completely different people. He didn't recognise them at all as his best friends from his childhood.

[Name] groaned, using an arm to block the sudden sunlight that shined on the town. He looked back down, blinking to get rid of the annoying green spot in his vision. 

The boy continued to reflect back on his life as he watched the town that Sabertooth was located in. It was bustling with life but he could only do this for so long.

[Name] sighed, walking back down the hill, hands in his pocket and his head bowed. It was fun at first, but now it's become a bore. This has been his longest stay to the day. He's stayed in town for a whole two months.

"Hey! [Name]!" an all too familiar voice called from in front of him. 

[Name] looked up to see a fist heading his way surrounded by a white light. [Name] smirked slightly, grabbing the arm and easily threw Sting behind him.

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