Midnight x Reader | Light in Darkness

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SPOILER ALERT: Please don't read unless you are up to date with the anime.


'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.'

Least we forget

『 Light In Darkness 』

A girl ran, her [Hair Colour] hair trailing behind her as she fled, as fast as the wind. An iron pole landed beside her, hitting the tree behind her, making it fall.

She easily jumped over it, with an odd sense of elegance, while the man in the Magic Council coat skidded to a stop, almost crashing into the tree.

As she landed, she quickly pulled her hood up, [Eye Colour] eyes turning a shade darker.

"Hey! Get back here! You're under arrest!"

She quickly ran, darkness trailing after her, underneath her feet.

"Hey! Don't turn out the lights!!" He yelled after her. "Get back here or you're under arrest!"

She rolled her eyes, reaching a mountain. She jumped, grabbing the rocks and easily climbing up, looking back to see the Magic Council man, or as some know him, Gajeel.

She looked at him, before reaching out her hand, creating a dark dome to surround Gajeel. She pulled herself up, her hair falling out the black hood. She sighed, looking at the setting sun.

As she stood, a blade fell out her sleeve, she stared at it, the blade slightly stained a blood red colour.

It seemed simple enough, with the blade itself being silver, the handle was black, with small [Favourite Jewel] embedded in the handle. She gripped it tightly, throwing it off the edge.

"Don't come back. I don't want my past" she spoke, voice shaking. But soon enough, as though it was a boomerang, it flew back to her, in her hands. She growled, having no choice but to place it back in her sleeve.

She looked back down, seeing that the man was alright. She let out a breath of relief, quickly running off.

She stayed in the dark, an assassin who was cursed into her life. She was a part of the Tower of Heaven project, her friends and only family dead. All she wanted to do was run freely, escape the darkness, into the light.

But as she grew up, she fell more into the abyss that was her life, a dark hole, with no light whatsoever.

She was alone, there was no one she could trust anymore and now that she had broken away from the assassin's guild, her life was in even more danger than before.

As she walked, a man appeared in front of her, a scar across his right eye, with maroon hair, who some know as Cobra, or perhaps Erik. A whole group stood behind him, all wearing the same blue cloak.

"Thought I could hear someone else, apparently, she's the famous assassin from that guild" He looked behind himself.

"What are you doing here?" Jellal stepped forward, asking the girl. She stayed silent, stepping backwards. Jellal took notice, stepping back as well. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you"

She didn't speak, cautious of them. Erik suddenly laughed, making Jellal turn around.

"She thinks we're going to turn her in to the council" he explained himself, smirking.

"Ah, don't worry dear, it's not like we can turn you in without getting stuck in a jail cell as well" Sorano placed her hand on her hip.

"Can't she speak?" Meredy asked, staring curiously.

"I can speak, but it's not that anyone will hear me to help" [Name] spoke up, eyes turning a shade darker.

The whole area suddenly went dark and when it was bright once again, Macbeth held [Name]'s arm, effectively stopping her from escaping.

"Why don't you come with us?" Jellal asked her. She stopped struggling.

"You want to help someone like me?" She cocked an eyebrow, not believing their words.

"This guild is about love! We shall stay together!" Richard exclaimed, one hand in the air.

"I'll...." she wanted to accept, but didn't they know what she has done?

"Look, if you want to join, then join our guild, there's no need to hesitate" Erik spoke, looking at the girl. She then hesitantly nodded, not wanting to trouble them further.


[Name] sat on the rocks, looking at the stars which glistened, reflecting in the lake in front of her.

"Is there something wrong? Are you thinking about running away?" Macbeth spoke, walking forward to the girl. She quickly turned, seeing the boy.

"No, nothing wrong, I just never thought I'll be able to in this place" [Name] said, closing her eyes. "I never thought that I'll be able to escape"

"The Tower of Heaven?" He asked, and she suddenly froze.

"How did you know?" She asked.

"I was there too. All of us were, except for Meredy" he said, leaning on the tree. He didn't dare mention the fact that it was Jellal under Ultear's control who attempted to finish it off.

"It was horrible..." she said. "I was forced to join the assassin's guild to escape from there... I could've just refused... and the hundreds of lives would still be in this world.... but I was an idiot. A coward, for choosing my life over theirs"

"Then just start again. Earn your freedom" Macbeth spoke, casually. "Atone for your sins"

"That's impossible"

"If you keep thinking that way it is" Macbeth answered. "One day, your freedom will be earned and we will help you. We are comrades now we will trust each other and help each other"

He gave her a small smile, which the girl blushed at.

"Maybe. Just maybe"

With in that one moment, [Name] felt that she was no longer alone, that she was finally lifted out of the hole.

She was being pulled into the light, she was able to run free. She will never forget Macbeth, or Crime Sorcière.

『 Light In Darkness - End

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