Gajeel x Reader | Just Like The Old Days | Part 2

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Dunno why, but I particularly like this plot thus why it was quite simple to write.

Oh, and I feel the need to mention that I'm working on a super long oneshot that may or may not involve Dragon Slayers....

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

Ever since that day, Gajeel had stuck to taking solo jobs; he had even left Pantherlily in the guild at times. He didn't want anyone finding out that he had been meeting a girl. A seemingly dangerous one.

It was truly like the past. The good old days where the two would have a laugh while destroying dark guilds. The good old days where nothing mattered. Where they were on the same path.

But it wasn't like those days. Not the slightest bit.

You see, people feared [Name] and her magic. They assumed that she was evil. That she would kill anyone in her way.

[Name] didn't want to bring Gajeel down with her. Not when he was finally walking the path of light that she wanted so much.

He was a Fairy Tail mage now. He had to keep up a good reputation. For the guild and for himself.

Back when Gajeel first met [Name], when he was in Phantom Lord, he was meant to be feared by people. She also did not mind the fact that people stayed away from the pair.

The paths that they walked at the time was the same. All they wanted to do was survive. To live their lives as they wished.

But years back, when the Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail incident happened, Gajeel was offered to join the light guild.

Without a moment's hesitation, he strayed from the path that he had previously walked.

In that time, [Name] disappeared. She wanted to train. Improve her skills. She decided to gain a reputation where people feared her power.

Where people didn't want to associate with her. To the point where it wouldn't matter if she killed members of a dark guild.

Without a moment's hesitation, she too strayed from the path that she had previously walked. In the other direction.

"Hey, what did the client say?" [Name] asked, stepping out from behind the tree as Gajeel walked past. He didn't flinch and only leaned on the tree.

"The monster's completely mad. Taken five children and three adults. Apparently there's been another group of mages that have already come here." Gajeel told her, smirk on his face. "Got nothing on you"

"I suppose that is true, let's go. The sooner the better" [Name] said, dragging Gajeel deeper into the forest to find it.

"You say you wanna be the bad guy, but you don't at the same time" Gajeel pointed out.

"It can't be helped. I find that killing dark guild members and anyone associated with them is simpler than handing them over to the Magic Council. Since you know, everything that touches my magic just disappears" [Name] muttered. "I just need to keep up a reputation alright?"

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