Sorry (Makoto x reader)

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(Y/N) waited and waited and waited. But he never showed up. She was about to go on, looking behind the curtain once more. He still wasn't there. Makoto had promised to be there for her show. She was going to preform on the violin. But he still wasn't there.
"He's probably busy." She thought to herself. And it was true. Him being leader of the swim team and all, it'd be kinda hard.
                     "Next up. (L/N) (Y/N)." She sighed as her name was called next and walked out onto the stage.
Makoto's pov. . . .
I was hanging out with my friends after swim practice. I don't know why but I feel like I was missing something. I brushed it off and continued to read my book.
                    "Mako~chan, do you have a girlfriend?" Nagisa asked me randomly. I blush.
                    "Really? Then what is (Y/N)~chan to you?"
                    "She's just a frie-" I suddenly then remembered. (Y/N)'s violin recital. "Crap!" I stood up and left the house leaving the boys clueless. When I finally showed up, the recitals were over. I looked every where for (Y/N) but she was no where to be seen.
                    "Makoto." I hear a voice call. I turn and saw (Y/N) with a trophy in her hand.
                    "(Y/N)." I walked over to her. "I'm super sorry. I-" she raised her hand to stop me from finishing.
"Really Makoto. It's fine. You have your own things to do. I get it. Really. I at least won." She showed me the trophy with a smile. I've known (Y/N) for so long to know that was a fake smile.
"I'm such a jerk. I didn't mean to forget. I was at my-"
"I said it's fine! Just leave me alone okay?!" She burst out so suddenly. She then tried to run off. I quickly grab her hand.
"Stop! It's not okay! And I know you know it isn't!" I turn her around. Tears were streaming down her pretty face. I. . . . I hurt her. "(Y/N)." I say her name gently. I bring her fingers to my lips and kiss them gently.
"M-Makoto. . ." I put my other hand on her cheek and look her in the eye.
"I'm sorry. For everything. Not just missing the recital but for everything. For hurting you, and for making you think I didn't care. The truth is (Y/N), I do care. I care more than anyone else. I'm unforgivable after doing this and it's alright if you don't forgive but listen to me when I say this." I press my forehead on hers. "I love you, and I'm truly sorry." After my confession she just stares at me. Did I hurt her even more? She looks down.
"Why what?" She then closes the space between us by kissing me. I was shocked at first but then kissed back. She pulled away and smiled.
"Why would you think if never forgive you silly?" She hugs me. "And I love you too." I hug her back.
                    "Nagisa is going to tease me so hard about this!"
This is story two! Hope you all like it! Next, Rei x reader.
Nagisa: Why not me next?!
Me: Because you go after. But don't worry Nagisa. You and reader~chan will have fun!
Nagisa: Hurray!!! Thanks Neko~chan!!
On to the next story!!>>>>

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