Always be there (Makoto x reader)

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Makoto knew that his girlfriend had anxiety. It's been pretty tough for her. He tries to support her as much as she can. The one thing that worried him about her was her panic attacks. Random things that would freak her out and cause her to go into a hysterical mess broke his heart.

One day, Makoto came home to the sound of nothing. Which worried him since he'd usually come home to the sound of the TV and her laughing. He looked around the house to find her in the corner of her room breathing hysterically and rocking back and forth. He sighed. It was happening again.
"I just . . . . I don't what to do . . .I try not to think about it but I . . . ." She was mumbling. He came over and picked her up setting her on his lap.
"It's okay. Shh. I'm right here." He tried to soothe. He rocked her back and forth and rubbed her back gently. She began to slowly cry.
"I just can't . . . . Makoto I can't. . . . I don't want to. If I do I . . . ." Makoto nodded.
"I know. I know." (Y/N) was currently having a panic attack about her move to Tokyo for college. She was scared to death since she didn't know what she wanted for her future. What would she do after college? Would she get a career? Would she be alone for her whole life? She clutched onto Makoto's jacket.
"I-I don't wanna think about it but it just keeps getting closer and closer till the day we move. I'm scared Makoto. I'm really scared." He began to stroke her (H/C) hair.
"If you're worried about being alone, you shouldn't be. I'm going to be by your side the entire time. I promise. And if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be there. You don't have to be afraid to to talk to me. I may not be a perfectional but I'll be there to help you through your problems." She smiled at him gently calming down a bit.
"Thank you Makoto. I'm glad to have you by my side. I love you." He smiled at her and gave her a small kiss.
"I love you too, (Y/N). Now how about we go watch a movie?" She nodded and made their way to the living room.
This was requested by humicorn712. Thank you. And remember I'm always there for you. :)
Next up: Rin x reader

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