Sick Days (Momo x reader)

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(Y/N) sat on her bed miserably. Her stomach pained from the flu she developed. She sighed as she took another Alka-Seltzer to calm her stomach pain. She heard her phone buzz and looked at the message she got.
Momo: Hey babe! You wanna go on a date today!?
(Y/N) sighed. She loved her boyfriend more than anything but being in the state she was in, she didn't want him to see her like this.
You: Sorry Momo. I'm gonna have to pass today. Don't feel too good.
Momo: What!? Why didn't you tell me!? I'm on my way!
You: No! Don't come over. The room reeks with barf and I look gross.
Momo: I don't care about that! You need looking after!
She smiled at how caring her boyfriend could be.
You: Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you about the smell.
Momo: K. Love you! 😘
(Y/N) smile grew wider.
You: I love you too 💕
But unfortunately for her, her stomach had different plans for her.
Time skip . . . .
                  "(Y/N)~san!" Momo called entering the room. He saw her there, sleeping. He smiled and went to her sleeping figure. He poked her cheek. "(Y/N)~san. Wake up." Her nose twitched as she slowly began to wake up.
                  "Hi Momo." She yawned. He tried to kiss her on the lips but she blocked him."No kissing. You could get sick too." He pouted.
                  "Aww. Alright. I guess I better start working hard to bring you back to health." He reached into his bag to pull out a Bottle of juice. "Here. I'm sure your thirsty." She smiled.
                  "Thank yo-" She stopped in mid sentence as she felt something rise in her throat. She ran to the bathroom to barf in the toilet. She heard a knock in the door.
                  "(Y/N)~san are you alright?"
                  "N-no."  She whimpered. He went into the bathroom to see her head place by the toilet as she leaned on the toilet. He held her hair and Pat her back.
                  "There there. Let it out." She sighed as she finished.
                  "I'm all drained out. My legs are all wobbly and my stomach really hurts." He chuckled at her childish aditude and picked her up bridal style. "M-momo . . . ."
                  "Don't worry (Y/N)~san. I'm gonna take good care of you. I promise." He carried her to her bedroom and placed her down on the bed. "Now, I brought some chicken noodle soup so would you like some?"
                  "Y-yes please." He blushed a bit and quickly kissed her cheek.
                  "I'm sorry but you're so cute." He smiled. She gave him a smile before ruffling his hair.
                  "Go get me my soup you dope." She giggled. He stuck out his tongue before heading to the kitchen. He soon came back with a nice steaming bowl of soup.
                  "One bowl of soup for my (Y/N)~san." He sat in front of her with the bowl in his hands.
                  "Thanks Momo." She reached for it but he didn't let her grab it.
                  "I don't think so. You need your energy for healing." He picked up the spoon. "So I'll feed you." She blushed.
                  "O-okay." He filled the spoon with soup and put it by her mouth.
                  "Say Ah." He teased. She opened her mouth and let him feed her. After she finished eating the two sat on her bed watching a movie while cuddling on her bed.
                  "Thank you for taking care of me Momo." He smiled and kissed her forehead.
                  "Anything for my adorable (Y/N)." He cuddled closer. She yawn and laid her head on his chest.
                  "I love you Momo. You know that?" He chuckled.
                  "I love you too." With that they fell asleep in each others arms.
Coincidentally yes I am sick as I write this. Anyway,
Next up-
*Haru gets out of the pool*
Hey Haru. Would you like to go next?
Haru: Sure I guess.
Yay! :3

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