Yours only (Haru x reader)

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After she finished her homework, (Y/N) ran to the bank of the ocean. She brought out her cooked plate of mackerel. She wanted to see if he would come again.

(Y/N) was looking for a merman. She was eating Mackerel one time when she left for a bit to catch her hat which was flying in the wind. She then spotted him on a rock eating her Mackerel. She wanted to say hi but he then jumped into the ocean and swam away.

She honestly was star struck and wanted to see him again. She remembered him being extremely handsome. His blue eyes and navy blue hair. She just wanted to see him again. She just needed to.

She got on a boat, even though she was deadly afraid of the sea. She paddled along until she reached the middle of the ocean. She took out her plate and looked out into the ocean.
                  "Hello? Are you out there?" She called. Nothing happened. She sat in the boat and waited. She looks up at the dark blue sky. It was getting late. She tried reach for her paddle but it fell of the boat, resulting her to trip. She fell out of the boat. She sank a bit before trying to go back up to the surface. But she couldn't swim. Her need for oxygen was getting stronger.

Suddenly a pair of arms were brought to her waist and she was dragged to the surface. She breathed heavily before the mysterious stranger put her back in the boat.
                  "Are you alright?" A voice asked. She looked up to see it was him. The merman.
                  "You . . . . You were the one I saw three days ago."
                  "Yes. I'm sorry I ran away so early. I've never seen a human girl up close before."
                  "I've never seen a merman up close before. I'm (Y/N)."
                  "Haru. What were you doing all the way out here?"
                  "I . . . . I wanted to see you again. You ran away and I just wanted to know who you were. Oh." She brought out her Mackerel. "I saw you eating it, so I brought you some." He blushed as he took it.
                  "Thank you. This is my favorite." She watched him as he ate it. After he was done, he looked her in the eyes. "You know, I kinda wanted to see you too."
                  "Really?" He nodded.
                  "Yes. I honestly tried looking for you on the beach. But you didn't come back. I was hoping you would though." She blushed lightly.
                  "I'm sorry. I've been super busy this week with school and all. I'll try to visit more often, if you want."
                  "Please do." He gently cupped her face and leaned in. She was shocked that he had kissed her on the lips. She couldn't help but kiss back. He then pulled away.
                  "H-haru . . . ."
                  "I-I'm sorry. It's just, you're so beautiful I couldn't help it. I've fallen for you, (Y/N)." He placed her hand on his chest. "My heart beats harder whenever I think of you. I hope you feel the same, because my heart is yours only. So let me be yours only." She smiled and hugged him.
                   "I do feel the same Haru. And I will promise to visit you again." They shared one last kiss before helped her bring her boat to shore.
Part 2? Yeah, part 2

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