Perfectly clear (Rin x reader)

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Rin decided to take (Y/N) to Australia to celebrate their two-year anniversary. She was excited to visit the streets of Australia. It was filled with beautiful scenery.
                  "Rin. Everything is so beautiful. I can't wait to tell everyone back at home." She smiled. Rin ruffled her hair.
                  "There's one more place I wanna go." They walked to an old couples house. They were outside. "Wait here." He told her at the gate. He walked towards the couple.
                  "Oh my goodness it's Rin. Welcome back"  The lady said.They were speaking English so (Y/N) couldn't understand.
                  "How have you been doing lad?" The man asked.
                  "I've been doing well Russell." Rin said. (Y/N) was looking at the sky and waited for Rin.
                  "Is that the girlfriend of yours?" Russell asked
                  "Oh. You told us about her. Her name was (Y/N) right?" Laurie asked.
                  "(Y/N)?" (Y/N) turned to the sound of her name.
                  "(Y/N). C'mon down here. These two are my stay at home parents Russell and Laurie." Rin called. She walked up to him.
                  "Rin. I can't spe-"
                 "G'day (Y/N)." The man spoke. "I'm Russell. Glad to know you."
                  "And I'm Laurie. Rin's told us all about you." The lady said.
                  "Nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." She tried her best to speak her best English. She then heard a barking of a dog. A little Corky dog came to her feet.
                  "Looks like Winnie likes you too." Rin laughed before picking the dog up.
                  "Welcome to Australia (Y/N)." Laurie greeted.
                  "Welcome (Y/N)." Russell repeated.
Time skip . . . .
(Y/N) was letting Winnie sniff her hand as she waited for dinner to be ready.
                  "Dinners ready (Y/N). Please come in." Laurie called. (Y/N) walked in and sat next to Rin. "Please start. Eat as much as you like."
                 "Thank you." (Y/N) mumbled. She tried her best not to make eye contact with the two. Every time she did she felt more nervous.
                  "She's just how you explained her Rin. A nice aditude and clear (E/C) eyes." Laurie smiled. (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion.
                  "She said you have a nice aditude with clear (E/C) eyes." Rin translated to her while handing her a bun. She took it.
                  "Rin told us you too have been together for two years." Russell said. (Y/N) looked at him blankly. "(Y/N), you were with Rin for two years?"
                  "Y-yes." She answered shakily. She looked at Rin. "I don't really get what he's saying."
                  "Oh he was just asking how long we've been together for." Rin explained.
                  "Rin really loves you. Everytime he talked about you, he was filled with  enthusiasm and happiness. Even before you too became a couple." Laurie winked. Rin blushed.
                  "Hey now . . . ."
                 "What did she say?" (Y/N) asked.
                  "It doesn't matter."
                  "Yes it does." Rin looked at her then looked away.
                  "She just said how I use to talk about you sometimes."
                  "I recall a time you being depressed over her." Russell said. Rin looked at him.
                  "You knew about that?" Rin asked. Russell nodded.
                  "Laurie and I knew about your crush on her. You always made time to talk to her on the phone and talked about her a lot. Whenever you weren't doing both you were back to being sad."
                  "So Russell and I made sure you got to talk to her just enough. Making sure the phone was working and all because whenever you talked to her you were always so happy." Rin looked at the two with a worried look.
                 "I'm sorry for making you two do so for me." He apologized.
                  "It's fine really. It was just cause you love her. Were glad you two got together."
                  "Yeah."  He looked at (Y/N) who was picking at her food while trying to understand the conversation yet failing to do so. "And I'm lucky to be in love with her." (Y/N) noticed him looking at her.
                  "What? What's wrong?" He smiled at her and put an arm around her then kissing her cheek. She blushed. "Rin! What the heck was that for?" Laurie and Russell laughed at her reaction.
                  "Just cause I love you." He replied in English. Though (Y/N) didn't understand it language wise but knew what it ment mental wise.
                  "I-I love you." She tried to repeat. Rin laughed and ruffled her hair. "Huh, hey! Stop that!"
                  "Rin. Stop teasing your girlfriend." Laurie laughed.
                  "I can't help it. She's so cute when she's like this." Rin teased. (Y/N) pouted.
Time skip . . . .
                  "I didn't understand a single word you all said. I felt like a complete idiot." (Y/N) said as they were leaving and going to their hotel.
                  "Sorry. I'll teach you English one day so then you'll be able to understand." Rin said. They finally got ready for bed in there hotel. Rin cuddled with (Y/N) under the sheets.
                  "So just out of curiosity, what were you talking about with them."
                  "About you. How much I love you." She blushed.
                  "Hey (Y/N)?"
                  "Well, I was wondering. . . " He blushed. "Do you wanna get married?" She looked at him with a blank stare. "Do you understand?" She smiled at him and leaned in kissing him. She pulled away.
                  "Perfectly clear."
I'm still mad at Haru for leaving like that. But hey I love him too so.
Next up Makoto x reader

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