The Signs (Rei x reader)

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                   "She likes you Rei~chan! I know she does!" Nagisa said. Rei blushed bright red.
                   "Nagisa~kun, stop speaking nonsense. And also how would you know that?" Nagisa pulled out a magazine.
                  "This article here talks about how to know if a girl's into you. Here take it. It might help you." He handed it to him. The bell rang and class started. Since it was independent reading, Rei decided to take a peek at the magazine.
                  "It's probably just a whole bunch of -"
Sign number 1:
Does she look into your eyes when she talks to you?

This shows that she is very interested in what you're talking about or, as the cheesy catch phrases say, getting lost in your eyes. If she keeps looking away or playing with things such as her fingers, hair, keychain, etc. Then she is very bored in what the conversation is about. Also notice if the pupils are widening more than usual. It's a sign that shows she's very interested in what you're talking about and wants to only have that conversation with you.

Rei raised an eyebrow. After class he met up with (Y/N) and Nagisa.
                  "(Y/N) you like (Favorite book) right?" He asked.
                  "Yeah. I love that book. It's one of my favorites." As they talked, Rei noticed that not once has she left eye contact with her. He even noticed that her pupils grew a bit. When he went to his next class he sneaked a peek at the magazine.

Sign number 2:
Do you ever see her blush when your talking?

This shows a whole lot. It shows that she is either happy, shy, or embarrassed. If she does it infront of you while you're talking. It's usually if you compliment her or if you say something nice about her. If she doesn't, then she's definitely not into you.

Rei saw (Y/N) eating lunch by herself and sat next to her. He noticed she put her hair up since it was a little hot.
                  "(Y/N), I didn't notice how bright your (H/C) was." She looked up.
                  "Really? It's bright?"
                  "Yeah. I honestly think it's beautiful." He noticed that her cheeks turned slightly red.
                  "Oh. Thank you." She gave him a smile.

Sign number 3:
How often does she smile at you?

The smile is also one of the important signs. It shows that she is honestly happy to be spending her time with you that she is right now. You wanna keep tracks of how many smiles she smiles at you. It's it's over about 10 times, she's into you. If it's about 10 or less then you're just friends. If she's smiling constantly, she's really into you.

Rei took (Y/N) out to the garden since she had never seen it before. She hadn't stopped smiling since. Even when they talked she had a smile on her face.

Sign number 4:
Does she make any physical contact?

If she does little things like wipe a hair off your face, then that shows that she's only trying to get it off. Most guys mistake this for a sign of interest. But it isn't. If she give you little hugs or want to hold your hold at times, then that shows that she has interest in you. It shows she  more than comfortable to make physical contact with you.

                  "I hope you like it." Rei gave her a wrapped present.
                  "Oh thank you Rei." She opened it to reveal a the new book of the (F/B) series. "Wow! Thank you so much Rei!" She gave him a small hug before walking off.

Sign number 5:
Does she get jealous?

Now this is a HUGE sign. If your talking about another girl, it's kinda hard to tell if she's jealous. But if she is, she'll try her best to hide it. First it'll start eyes. When you first start talking about a random girl, her eyes will widen in surprise since she didn't expect it. After her foot will be tapping constantly.  Sometimes she'll repeat some words you say about the girl. Then you'll see her clench her fists. You know you took it too far if she lightly bites her lips. You need to STOP IMMEDIATELY if you see that happening. It means she's about to cry from how jealous she is. It shows she really cares and she's sad that you're "interested" in another girl. If she doesn't do all of the above then she just sees you as a friend.

                  "I'm thinking of asking Gou to come study with me." Rei said out of no where. He noticed her eyes widen.
                  "O-oh. Really?"
                  "Yes. Her knowledge in a lot of things make her very attractive in many ways." He then heard tapping. He looked down at her foot to see it tapping away.
                  "Yes. And her looks is the best features as well." Her fist clenched but she tried to hide them by crossing her arms.
                  "Yes. She is absolutely beautiful." He then noticed her lip. She biting on it gently. Oh no. "(Y-" she immediately ran off covering her face. "(Y/N)!! Wait!!" He ran after her. He tried to find her but it seemed that she had left the school. He finally found her on a park bench. He sat next to her and pulled her into an embrace.
                  "Rei, what are you doing?"
                  "I'm sorry (Y/N). This whole time I was trying to see if you liked me. I didn't mean to hurt you." He pulled away and looked into her eyes and gave her a peck on the lips. "I love you." She gave him a small smile.
                  "Rei, you should of just told me. I love you too." The walked hand in hand back to the school. The next day Rei was looking for a book when he stumbled into the magazine. He chuckled and threw it over his shoulder, it landing in the hands of a boy that needed it.
                  "I think instead of signs, I'll stick with theories."
Sorry I haven't been able to update much. I hope you like it.
Next up: Sousuke x reader.

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