Love spell (part 2)

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I feel so uncomfortable right now. Rei was standing right next to me scanning through the selves.
                  "Wow. There are so many CDs here. I should listen to one of them one day." He looked at me. "You come in here a lot, don't you?"
                  "Well, they sell the CD'S that my band makes covers of," I said picking up a CD by All Time Low.
                  "Speaking of which, what do you do in your band besides pick up CDs?"
                  "I play lead bass and second vocals." His eyes widen
                  "That's amazing. But are you the only one who picks up the CDs?" I nod. "Ah, I thought so. I theorized that since you kinda go along with everyone else instead of speaking on what your thoughts are. But it wouldn't hurt to talk once." I was a bit complex at his words. He looks at me with a worried look. "Oh sorry. Did I offend you?"
                  "No. Thank you for the advice." I give him a smile. After we get my CD, we walk outside.
                  "Rei~chan!" A voice called him. We turn around to see a blonde boy with magenta eyes. "I got your book from the library for you!"
                  "Oh. Thanks, Nagisa~kun." Nagisa hands him a book about theories. He then looks at me.
                  "Oh. Rei~chan, is this your girlfriend?" I blush lightly and so does Rei.
                  "N-Nagisa, don't say such embarrassing things out loud like that!" He said. Nagisa giggled. He joined us for our walk. Rei was reading his book and Nagisa and I stay behind. He began to talk to me.
                  "Hey, I know Rei~chan can be a little weird, but don't worry (Y/N)~chan. He's a nice guy. I remember he told me about a girl he had been crushing on and he cried in his room about a month about it." Rei turned around. He was bright red.
                 "What are you telling her!?" He grabs my hand. "Let's just go." I've never seen him so embarrassed before.
Next day . . . .
                  "Here." I hand Rei a CD of The beetles.
                  "What's this?" He exams it.
                  "You said you wanted to try to listen to a CD. So I thought maybe you'd like to start with the beetles since maybe you might wanna start slow. Soon, if you like it, I'll upgrade you to something faster " I look at him he had a smile on his face.
                  "Thank you."
Days have passed and I really didn't mind Rei's company. His company was actually comforting. Of course, I still thought of Haru, but not as much as I use to. One day while looking through my brother's book for a textbook I found a theory book. It looked kinda like Rei's book.  I started to read it.
Next day . . . .
                  "Wait you actually read it!?" Rei asked surprised.
                  "Yeah. I think it belonged to my brother, though." I smiled slightly. "I actually enjoyed it." 

                  "Wow. I . . ." he blushes and covers his face. "Darn it. I'm really happy." 


Tomorrow was the day the spell was going to wear off. Honestly, I wasn't really prepared for the two weeks to go so fast. I was  going to visit the twins when I heard a familiar voice talking to them.

                  "So the love spell ends tomorrow? I see." It was Rei's voice. "I wasn't expecting the week to go so fast. I also can't believe she'd believe in such a bit." Did he know? I ran down the hallway after closing the door. He must have heard me because as I ran down the hall I could hear him call my name. I ran outside to the garden. Why did he pretend? Was I really a big idiot to believe there was such thing? I then bump into someone resulting in them grabbing my shoulders.

                  "Hey, are okay?" I look up to see it was Haru. "Hey. You're that girl that goes to the CD store." He recognized me.

                  "Yeah." I didn't know what else to say to him.

                  "You went in there with my friend one time. Is he your boyfriend now?"

                  "N . . . . No."

                  "Ah, I thought so. You seem more of an outgoing person to be hanging out with a guy like him." I knew that was supposed to be taken offensive, but what should I do? 

                  "It wouldn't hurt to talk once." His words repeated in my mind. 

                   "Look, he may not be the kind of person as I am, but he lets me be myself and doesn't mind me being me. And he bothers to notice me. So . . . ." I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "Don't you dare bad mouth him!" Haru seems surprised but gives me a small smile.

                  "I'm sorry. I had no idea you had feelings for him." I was about to reply when I felt an arm wrap around me. I look over to see it's Rei.

                  "I'm sorry to intrude Haru, but it sounds as if you're upsetting my girlfriend." He gives him a small smile. "Do you mind leaving?" Haru shook his head and walked off. 

                  "Rei . . . ." He turns to me and hugs me.

                  "I'm sorry for this whole misunderstanding (Y/N)~san. The truth is. I've always noticed you. Every time I walked by the CD store to go to practice, I saw you and always wondered 'Will I ever get that rare beauty to notice me?' That's when I met the twins. They told me they could find a way. Honestly, that spell was magic. It gave me the courage to confess to you. It was never a spell (Y/N)~san. I really love you."

                 "Rei . . . ." I hugged him back. "I love you too." I look up at the window to see the twins and Haru give me a thumbs up. I smiled as Rei then leaned in and kissed me.

It is nice to think "The truth lies in the darkness". Besides, love is just one . . . . among many mysteries that logic alone can not explain.


Yeah! ANOTHER UPDATE! I know. It's going slow. I'm sorry. Next up Rin x reader

Rin: Finally drawing your attention towards me?

Shut up


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