My Cinderella (Kisumi x reader)

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(Y/N) lived a miserable life with her step mother and sisters. They were going to start their last year of highschool and she was looking forward to it. She was finally going to be able to get into the college she wanted to get in.

It really hard for her to enjoy her last year though with her sisters and mother making her do things she didn't want to do. But her life would change when she would meet him.

The two step sisters were looking for a new boyfriend and hey happened to find Kisumi, a rich boy who just moved in the neighborhood. After awhile he met (Y/N) and the two became friends. He didn't think he needed a girlfriend at first, but (Y/N) was starting to change his mind.

One day an envelope showed up in the mail. She opened it do see she had been accepted into the college. Her eyes widen and she squealed with joy. Suddenly a hand took the envelope away. She looked up to see her step mother.
                  "What is this?" She asked. She read it and huffed. "No way." She ripped it into pieces.
                  "No! Please!" But it was too late. Her sisters were snickering in the corner as they watched.
                  "You're not going into this college and that is final! Now go to your room!" (Y/N) ran to her room in tears and slammed the door. Little did she know the the man that fell deeply in love with her, was watching the seen. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
                  "I need your help."
Time skip . . . .
(Y/N) went down stairs to cook dinner for her family when suddenly there was a loud pound at the door. She went to go answer it to see police.
                  "May I help you officers?" She asked.
                  "Yes. We me come in?" She let them in and they went into the kitchen. "(Step mother full name), you're under arrest for taxes you failed to pay and for adopting a child illegally." They cuffed her. They cuffed her step daughters too.
                  "What about my daughter's!? Why are they getting arrested!?"
                  "They used credit cards for shopping." (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers.
                  "And where am I going?" She asked. Kisumi showed up.
                  "You'll be coming with me to (College name)." He pulled out the envelopes. She started crying and ran into his arms.
                  "Kisumi!" He hugged her back tightly.
Time skip . . . .
Kisumi and (Y/N) were sitting on the park bench watching the stars. She looked over to him.
                  "Kisumi, why did you save me from that? I'm just curious." He looked over to her and smiled. He put a hand on her cheek.
                  "(Y/N), for years I've tried to find what I've been missing for true happiness. I didn't know what it was. It was like a I was looking for my princess who fit in the glass slipper. And (Y/N), you were it. You were what I was looking for. You are my Cinderella." Tears pooled in (Y/N)'s eyes.
                  "I love you." She laughed. "Gosh I love you." He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back. He pulled away and smiled.
                  "I love you too."
This was requested by breanna_roberts. I hope you like it.
Next up: Haru x reader Crossover Special!

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