Attention (Nagisa x reader)

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(Q/N: Oh. . . . My . . . . Waffles. I cannot believe this. This story already has one HUNDRED likes!? What the glob!? That's amazing!!!)
Knowing finals were coming, (Y/N) had to study extra hard. So she decided to go with Rei to the library to study. As they were in the middle of a question review, her phone buzzed.
                  "Oh. Sorry. Let me just. . . ." She grabbed her phone.
Nagi🐧: Babe! There's a new candy shop open on the street across from the swim club! Come meet me there!
You: Sorry Nagisa. I'm studying for finals. I have no time.
Nagi🐧: But it's a NEW CANDY shop!!! Do you not understand women!?
Rei decided to join in on the group chat.
Rei 👓: Nagisa~kun, we need you to please stop texting is so we can go back to studying.
Nagi🐧: Wait, you two are studying together? Where are you!?
You: . . . .
Rei👓: . . . .
Nagi: Fine! I'll find you myself!
                  "Does he actually mean that?" She asked Rei.
                  "For as long as he isn't here and we have some peace, let's just study." He said. So they continue to go over what they were reviewing. Suddenly arms wrapped around (Y/N), pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
                  "Found you!" He chirped.
                  "Nagi . . . . Can't . . . . Breathe.  . . ."
                  "Oh. Sorry." He let his arms go a little loose but continued the hug. "So you Rei~chan are studying together without me? Why didn't any of you tell me to come."
                  "We did." Both Rei and (Y/N) said. Nagisa tilted his head like a confused puppy.
                  "All week." Rei said
                  "This morning." (Y/N) said. Nagisa let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his head.
                  "Oops. I must of not gotten what you meant." (Y/N) brought out her phone and showed him the text.
You: Rei and I are going to the Library to study. Do you wanna come?
Nagi🐧: No. I'm good. Thanks for the invite though.
                  "Ohhh. Well, um . . . . I'm here now." He let out another nervous laugh. (Y/N) sighed and stood up.
                  "Nagisa, I need to talk to you. Alone." He followed her to an empty area in the library. "What's with you Nagisa? You never want to study?" Nagisa scratched the back of his head and averted his gaze from hers.
                  "Does Rei~chan make you happy, (Y/N)~chan?" He asked. She looked at him confused.
                  "What do you mean by 'happy'? Like when he helps me or something?"
                  "Does he give you the attention you need?" She then realized. Nagisa. Was. JEALOUS. And he was scared too.
                  "Nagi, why would you think that?" She went over to hug him (Btw youre shorter than Nagisa) He hugged her back and pulled her close, as if she was going to lose her. "I love you. And only you. You always give me the attention I need." Nagisa smiled and kissed the top of her head.
                  "I love you so much, (Y/N)~chan." She giggled.
                  "I love you too, Nagisa."
Extended ending . . . .
Rei👓: (Y/N)~san. Where are you?
You: I went with Nagisa to the new candy shop.
Rei👓: What?! But what about your study books that you left here!?
You: Oh yeah. Can you please bring those to school for me tomorrow?
Rei👓: Ugh. Fine.
You: Thank you.
Yay! Another update! Remember guys, keep asking more questions. Also requests are open!
Next up: Haru x reader

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