A cat with Makoto?

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                  "A cat! And Makoto will have no idea it hit him! Rin~senpai, can I do this one!? Please!?" Momo begged.
                  "Fine. Just don't mess up." Rin sighed. Momo smiled.
                  "Ya hoo!" He ran out the door.
Later . . . .
Makoto was playing video games with Haru since his siblings and parents were out on vacation. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate.
Momo: Mako~senpai!
                  "Hold on Haru." Makoto paused the game and took out his phone.
Mako: What's wrong Momo?
Momo: (Y/N)~san drank a potion and she turned into half a cat.
Mako: What!? I'll come get here!
Makoto shut of his game.
                  "Sorry Haru. We'll have to finish this later." He said. Haru shrugged.
Momo's house . . . .
Momo sat on his couch petting (Y/N)'s soft ears. She had shrunken and grew cat ears and a cat tail.
                  "When will Meowto- I mean Makoto be here?" She purred.
                  "He'll be here soon (Y/N)~san." Momo reassured. The doorbell rang. Momo stood up and opened the door. Makoto was there with a smile.
                  "Hello there Momo. I came here to get (Y/N)~chan. Where is she?" Just then, (Y/N) came by Momo's feet.
                  "Meow." Makoto looked down to see her. She smiled. "Nya~! Makoto!" She ran to him and rubbed herself against his legs, purring.
                  "Wow. You weren't kidding when you said she turned into a cat." Makoto said, picking up (Y/N). She nuzzled her face against his cheek and chuckled. "Well I'll see you later Momo."
                  "You too Makoto~senpai." Makoto walked home and set (Y/N) in his room. She laid down in the bed in a cute cat style causing Makoto to laugh. He pet her tummy causing her to giggle.
                  "You're so cute, (Y/N)~chan." He smiled. She blushed lightly and giggled. She sat up and walked to the edge of the bed. She messed with the curtain rods. He chuckled. "What are you doing?"
                  "I have no idea. But this is super fun." She continued. Makoto picked her up and put her on his chest. He pecked her small nose and smiled.
                  "As much as I love you being a cat, you're not going to be like this forever, right?"
                  "No. Momo said it only lasts for a day." He lifted her up.
                  "Good." He kissed her nose again. "I love you (Y/N)~chan." She blushed and gave him a closed eyed smile while waving her tail.
                  "I love meyou too Makoto." He smiled and set her down.
                  "Now let's hove some fun."
I dedicate this to @Chocokawaii2224. She reads most of my Makoto stories so here you go!

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