He picked Makoto

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                  "Makoto. Momo, you okay doing this one?" Rin asked. Momo pumped his fist.
                  "Yeah! Definitely! I'll finally get revenge for him stealing (Y/N) from me!" He snarled.
                  "Wait, Makoto and (Y/N) are dating?" Sosuke asked.
                  "No but she did tell me that she has a crush on him." Nitori said. Momo was fired up.
                  "Oh yeah! Let's do this!"
~~~~Time Skip~~~~~
(Y/N) was sitting in bed reading a book when suddenly she got a text from Momotaro.
Momo: Hey (Y/N)~san!
She grabbed her phone off the night stand.
You: Yeah? What's up?
Momo: I kinda have a problem. I took Makoto to go get a drink and now he's drunk.
You: What!? Where are you guys!?
Momo: Were at the bar a few blocks from your house.
You: I'm on my way.
She got out of bed and grabbed her jacket.
The bar . . . .
(Y/N) entered the bar and saw Momo sitting next to Makoto who was giggling. Momo waved.
                  "Hey (Y/N)~san!" He called. She approached them. Makoto turned.
                  "(Y/N)~chan is hereee? Whereee?" He giggled. Momo gave her a smile.
                  "What's up?"
                   "Why'd you let him get drunk Momo?" She rubbed her fore head. He grabbed her hands.
                   "I'm so sorry (Y/N)~san! I'm promise to make it up to you by taking you out on a date tomorrow!"
                  "Wai-" Suddenly arms wrapped around her and pulled her away from Momo. It was Makoto.
                  "(Y/N)~chan is mine!" He growled. (Y/N) blushed. Momo grabbed her hands.
                   "Nnoo! It's not fair!"
                  "She's mine Momo!" Momo stopped pulling.
                  "Why do I bother!?" He slammed his head on the table. "I'm gonna go. Do you need help with Makoto?"
                   "No. I got him. See ya Momo." Momo waved before walking out. Makoto giggled and rubbed his cheek against hers.
                  "Your so soft (Y/N)~chan." She pushed Makoto away slightly.
                  "C'mon Makoto let's go to my place for the night, okay?" He played with her hair.
                  "As long as get to be with you." She blushes hard and starts walking with him home. He kept on whispering things in her ear causing her to blush and her reaction would make him giggle. He would say things like, "you're so cute." Or "I love that look on your face."
                  "M-makoto . . . . You don't know what you're saying. You're drunk."
                  "Just cause I'm drunk doesn't mean I don't know who I love." He giggled lightly. They finally arrived at her apartment and she let Makoto sleep with her in bed cause he wouldn't stop complaining. "I love love love you." He pulled her close.
                  "I love you too Makoto. I really do." He nuzzled her neck.
Next morning . . . .
Makoto woke up with a headache as he sat up out of bed. Realizing that it wasn't his bed he started to panic a little. (Y/N) then came in with a cup of water and pain pills.
                  "Hey Makoto. Are you okay?" She handed him the water and pills.
                  "Yes. Thank you (Y/N)~chan." He drank down the pills. "I didn't . . . . Do anything to you last night did I?" He asked with a little blush. She blushed as well.
                  "Well besides giggling, you sorta . . . . Said you loved me." His blush grew harder. "I know. Drunk talk. It's okay but Makoto. . . . I really like you." He pulled her in for a hug. "M-Makoto. . . ."
                   "It wasn't drunk talk (Y/N)~chan. I really do love you. So very much." She hugged him back.
                   "I love you too Makoto."
Yay! I've never seen a drunk Makoto one shot so yeah.

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