Smoothies (Nitori x reader)

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               "U-um . . . (L/N)~San?" Nitori called. She turned to home while drying her hair. She had just finished practicing before Nitori walked up to them.
                 "Hey Nitori. What's up?"
                 "W-well, I w-wanted to know, s-since I got two coupons to get free smoothies, w-would you l-like to come with me later?"
"Sure. I'll go change and then I'll come with you."
~~Time skip brought to you by Haru's Mackerel~~~
Nitori and (Y/N) walked to the smoothie shop. They both sat down and enjoyed their smoothies.
"So (L/N)~San, how's swim club?"
"It's fun. I like challenging myself. Also Nitori, I've told you. You can just call me (Y/N)." He blushes.
"R-right. Sorry." He looked into her eyes. "(Y-Y/N)~San?"
"Mm hm." She said taking a sip of her (F/F) smoothie.
"Do you like anyone in the swim club? Like like like." She shrugged.
"Rin's kinda hot but he's not really my type. I'm more into guys that are sweet and kind. Like you." He chokes on his smoothie in surprise and blushes.
"M-me?" She nods. He clenches his fist. "(Y-Y/N)~San, please don't be kidding! Because my feelings for you are real! I really love you!"
"And I love you you too Nitori." Suddenly her watch goes off. "Oh shoot! I gotta go!" She franker the rest of her smoothie and kissed his cheek. "See you!" She was running out when suddenly,
"Wait (Y/N)~San!" She turned only to be met by his lips. He had pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed back. She pulled away and smiled.
"Whoa." He blushed and let go. "Well I gotta go. Later Nitori senpai!" She ran out. He put his hand on his lips.
"Thank goodness to smoothie coupons."
Well this is another update. I hope you like it! Next up-
K: Hello dear.
Me: Kisumi! *hugs him*
Rin: *growls in jealousy*
Any way where was I?
K: You were going to make a story about me?
Oh yeah! Thanks Kisumi!
Rin: What?!

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