Good Enough? (Makoto x reader)

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Makoto decided to help (Y/N) watch over her little brother. He walked to her house and knocked on her door. Instead of (Y/N) opening the door it was her brother.
                  "Oh. Hi. I'm Makoto. (Y/N)'s boyfriend. You must be (B/N), right?" Makoto smiled.
                  "Yeah. I am. So you're the lucky boy my sis chose. Not bad." The ten year old spoke. Makoto didn't know if his statement was either a compliment or an insult.
                  "May I come in?"
                  "So Makoto, do you think you're good enough for my sister?" (B/N) said completely ignoring Makoto's request.
                 "I would think so."
                 "Answer the question right."
                 "What do you want me to say?"
                  "(B/N)! Who's at the door!?" (Y/N) called from inside.
                  "No one nee~chan! Just the mail man!" (B/N) stated about to close the door.
                   "Wait!" Makoto called. (B/N) reopened the door. "Yes. I am good enough for your sister."
                  "We'll see about that. I'll be testing you to see how far you'll go to make (Y/N) happy. Got it?"
                  "Y-yeah. Got it." Makoto stuttered. (B/N) then put on a cheerful smile and grabbed Makoto's hand, leading him inside.
                  "(Y/N)~nee! Mako~chan is here!" (Y/N) stood up from the couch and walked over to them.
                  "Thank for opening the door for him, (B/N)." She ruffled his hair and then turned to Makoto. "Hi. I didn't know you would come." He smiled at her and hugged her.
                  "Of course. I wanted to see you." He said. She giggled and hugged him back. Makoto looked at (B/N) over (Y/N)'s shoulders. He gave Makoto a look that said 'So far so good'.
                  "Me and (B/N) are going to the fair. You wanna come?"
                  "Sure." The (B/N) gave him a glare. "In fact I'll pay for the tickets!" He quickly added. (B/N) gave him a thumbs up.
                  "Oh no. Makoto. I can't let you do that."
                  "No. It's fine really." (B/N) bounced to them.
                  "Enough talking. Let's just go have fun!" He said. He grabbed both of their hands and dragged them out of the house.
                  "Oh boy this day will be long."
Time skip~~~~~
They finally arrived at the fair. After Makoto payed for the tickets and they went on some rides.  (B/N) and (Y/N) got to be alone for a bit since he needed to go to the bathroom.
                  "Yeah (B/N)?"
                  "What do you think of Mako~chan? Does he make you happy?"
                  "Of course. He always does. But sometimes I think he tries to hard."
                  "What do you mean?"
                  "He thinks that I need a guy that acts all gentlemen like paying for things are trying to please me. But honestly I love him just the way he is. Like today for instance. I just wanted to spend time for both of my two favorite boys. And I didn't mind paying for the tickets either. But he did it anyway. But that's not what matters to me. What matters is that I get to spend enough time with him with him." She finished with a smile.
                  "I . . . never thought about it like that."
                  "Well you always want to spend time with someone you love right?" Suddenly a tall guy. approached them.
                  "Hey girl. You wanna come have some fun with me?" He said with a smirk. (Y/N) hid (B/N) behind her.
                  "No thanks. I have to go meet up with someone." She said. She tried to walk past him but he grabbed her wrist.
                  "Sorry girl. But I'm not taking no for an answer."
                  "Let go of me." She tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. "Let me go!"
                  "Leave her alone!" (B/N) said tugging at the guys sleeve.
                  "Go away brat." The guy shoved (B/N) so hard it caused him to fall down.
                  "(B/N)!" (Y/N) struggled harder. "Let me go you jerk!" Suddenly a hand was placed on the guys shoulder. He turned around to be faced with a giant. Well, what he thought was a giant. It was actually Makoto. He had a smile on his face.
                  "Excuse me but I think you have my girlfriend." He said. The guy gulped and let go. "Thank you." He pulled her close and helped (B/N) up. "Now how about you just scram." The guy took his words as an advice and ran off. Makoto looked (Y/N) with a worried look. "Are you okay?"
                  "Yeah. Thanks for coming." She hugged him and he returned it. (B/N) hugged her waist.
                  "I was so scared. I thought that guy was going to hurt you." (B/N) said worried.
                 "It's okay. As long as I have Makoto. He'll always be there to protect me."
Later . . .
                  "Thanks for tonight Makoto." (Y/N) said with a smile.
                  "No problem." He leaned in and pressed his lips on hers. She kissed back happily. She pulled away.
                  "Goodnight." She went inside. Makoto was about to walk away till she felt someone grab his hand. He looked to see it was (B/N).
                  "(B/N)? What is it?"
                  "I . . . want you to spend more time with my sister. Cause she likes to spend time with you. Also . . ." He looked up at him with a scared looked. "I don't want mean guys to do that to her again!" Makoto gave him a smile. He bent down and pat (B/N)'s head.
                   "Don't worry. I'll keep her safe. I promise."
Yay! It's close to Christmas everyone! I hope you have a good holiday!
Next up: Kisumi x reader!


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