Week of terror (Nitori X Reader)

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(Q/N: Wow how long's it been a year?? So so sorry that I've been not very active on here. It's been some year with my first year of highschool but I'm back!)

Day 1:
"(Y/N)~san? Are you in here?" Nitori walked into his girlfriends home. She was a lone since both her parents decided to take a trip for the week, which was totally fine with her. More time with her adorable boyfriend, right? However today felt a bit more different. Not only did she not show up to his practice, she didn't text him at all that morning. So he decided it would be best if he came to check on her.
She had given him a spare key in case he wanted to stop by and chill after practice. As he would on certain days, he let himself in. Nitori looked around the empty house. No body in sight.
"(Y/N)~san?" That's when he could hear a faint voice.
"Nittoorrriiiii . . ." It sound like it was coming from (Y/N)'s room. His gaze immediately hit there and he rushed over, worried for what might have happened to his girlfriend. He quickly opens the door to find his girlfriend laying in her side on the bed, holding her stomach, and her (h/c) hair kind of draping over her face.
"(Y/N)~san!?" He exclaims in worry as he rushes over to her bed side. She weakly lifts up her head.
"Aichiro," she smiled weakly "thank goodness you're here." The poor boy cups his sickly girlfriends face.
"W-what happened to you?? A-are you alright??" She lightly giggles a bit as she touches his hand.
"I'm fine, Nitori. It's just . . . . " She blushes lightly, averting her eyes. "Well, y-ya'know. . . . It's sorta my time." Nitori looked confused.
"Your time?" Her time? What did she- . . . Oh. His eyes widen as his face suddenly turned red. "I-i see . . . Um are-are you okay?" She tilted her head shrugging.
"To tell you the truth, not really. I'm kinda in some pain." He quickly gets up.
"I-I'll get you some medicine!" He rushes out stumbling a bit. (Y/N) watches him smiling. She really did have the sweetest boyfriend. But the smile quickly faded when she felt a rush of pain. He comes in quickly with some pills and a glass of water.
"Thank you Nitori." She sits up groaning a bit. He holds out the things for her to reach.
"Of course, do you need anything else?? Some food? Are you cold??" He rambled with questions as she took the medicine.
"No I'm okay now . . . It's just this is a really tough time for me, you know? And I don't want to go through it alone. Do you think you could stay with me until it's gone?"
"Awe (Y/N)~san of course I will. If you need anything please don't hesitate to tell me." She smiled and kissed his cheek causing him to turn red.
"Thank you Nitori. And I will! Now come cuddle with me!" He smiled and laid next to her. Ah this poor boy had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Day 3:
Nitori had finished practice and was bringing home groceries for (Y/N). He had found out that lately she had started having cravings do to this feeling. However, when he was just about to walk out the store, his phone rang. He picked it up put it to his ear as he held the bag in his other hand.
"Nitori! Hey hun are you at the store right now?" (Y/N) asked.
"Oh yeah, I got some stuff that I think might help, I was just about to-"
"Did you get the chips??"
"And the candy?"
"And the ice cream?"
" . . . . Is there some else I need to get?"
"Yes! A lot of (favorite snack) too! And I mean a lot!" He sweat nervously as he looks at the stuff in his bag.
"O-okay (Y-y/n)~san, I-ill get it"
"Please hurry! See you when you get home! Love ya!" She hung up and he sighed.
"Looks like I won't have too much money left after this." He walked back into the store.

Day 4:
"I don't understand, what happened?" Nitori said shakily as he found his girlfriend sobbing in the floor. He just happened to come for school to check in on her only to find her curled up on the floor crying hysterically along with credits of a movie playing.
"He died! Her one and only love! A-and it made me think what if you died!? What if you just disappeared and-and I couldn't tell you that I loved you!?" She cried out as her tears fell and her nose was dribbling with snot. Nitori was shaking a bit as he slowly approached her petting her head.
"(Y/N)~san, you don't need to worry about that, I promise you I'm not going anywhere." He smiled weakly at her. "Okay?" She sniffles nodding before throwing herself on him in a big snotty hug.
"Nitorriiii!! I love you!! I love love lout yooooou!!" He looks at her lightly petting her back.
"I love you too."
Day 5:
"I hate you, Nitori!!" (Y/N) threw another stuffed animal at the poor boy, who was hiding behind her bedroom door scared as heck. She was steaming mad, and he has no idea why!
"Wh-what did I do!? Pl-please tell me!" He cried out as he quickly duck seeing her threw another stuffed animal at him.
"You don't even know what you did!? That's just perfect!!" She threw another. He was starting to tear up.
"No I really don't! I'm sorry! Please let me know so I can do anything to help you!"
"You come home, and instead of checking on me first you start cleaning!? Are you selfish!?"
"N-no I just wanted the place to be clean, so-so you didn't have to worry about it later!"
"Well now you're going to pay for it!" She jumped off the bed and ran at him. "Get over here!!"
"WAAAAAAHHH!!" He ran out the door screaming in fear.

Day 7:
"Oi, Nitori? You okay?" Rin noticed how much more tired the boy started looking through out the week. He started showing up to practice a little more emotional and a lot more exhausted. Nitori looked up at his senpai.
"I'm fine senpai, I-i just haven't been sleeping too well lately." Rin lifted his eyebrow.
"It's (Y/N), isn't it?" Nitori looked at him surprised.
"Huh!? Ho-how did you-!?"
"I have a sister. I've been there before, during THOSE times." Nitori blushed lightly.
"Trust me, first time gets you, but you get use to it after being more prepared." He lays the silver haired boys back and walked off. Nitori sighed as he got changed and headed on his way to his girlfriend's house. However instead of being met with an over angry, over emotional, or overly hungry girl, he was met with a clean home with some nice food on the table.
"H-huh? What happened here??" He was taken a back.
"Welcome home, Nitori!" He looked over at (Y/N) and quickly braced himself. However she only came over and hugged the boy. His eyes went wide.
"(Y-y/n)~san? A-are you alright?" She looked him in the eyes and nodded with a smile.
"Yes I am." She cups his face. "I'm so sorry for the week you had to go through. I know I wasn't sane for most of it but you didn't deserve to have to carry that burden of mine." He looked at her gently as he leaned into her touch, gently brush his hand against hers.
"It's alright. I-i wanted to do it. And you're never a burden to me, (Y/N)~san. Never ever will you be. It's just I wasn't very prepared. B-but I'll do better next time!"
"Next time?" He nods quickly. "Are you sure about that?"
"Y-yes I am." She smiled and pecked the boys lips.
"Thank you. Now let me repay you for the day! I prepared your favorite and we can then settle in and watch a movie!" He smiled blushing a bit.
"A-and snuggles?"
"Lots of them!" He smiled more. Yup, a whole week of terror was definitely worth being able to spend the rest of his life with his girl . . . Or is it??

Hope you enjoyed that little story! I hope it was too your liking!! And once again sorry for being inactive for so long! Remember requests are still open!!

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