Thanksgiving (haruka x reader)

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It was the day before thanks giving. After his lessons Haru's girlfriend and him walked down the street.
"What?" Haru asked her.
"My parents want to meet you for thanksgiving. I know you might not want to so-"
"No I do."
"I want to meet your parents. I really don't mind."
"Yeah. I mean I'm not doing anything so I might as well." (Y/N) smiled at him.
Thanksgiving Day . . . .
(Y/N) dressed up in her best outfit as her father and mother set up dinner. She was a little nervous about tonight. The door bell rang.
"I got it!" (Y/N) called. She ran downstairs and opened the door. As she hoped, he was there. "Haru!" She hugged him and welcomed him inside. "Mom Dad he's here."
"Oh joy." Her mother said. She went over to greet him. "You must be Haruka. Welcome. I'm (Y/N)'s mother. It's so nice to meet you." She shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you too Ma'am." He said. Her father came next.
"Welcome Haru. I'm (Y/N)'s father. You can just call me (D/N). No sir no mister. Just (D/N) is fine." He shook his hand.
"Thank you (D/N)." Haru nodded. (Y/N)'s mom smiled.
"(Y/N) has told us so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Oh. Where are my manors? Please come sit." They all say down at the table and began to eat.
"This is some really good food Mrs. (L/N)."
"Why thank you Haru. You were right about him being polite (Y/N). He's a keeper." (Y/N) just laughed and nodded.
"So how long have you known my girl for now Haru?" Her dad asked.
"About a year and a half now." He said.
"How did you two meet?" Her mom asked.
"How we met is actually a funny story. You both know I was recently starting swim club right? Well when I met Haru I wanted to hate at first since he was my rival and I was in a different swim team. We were told to compete against each other. But here's the thing. I hadn't met him yet. So when we finally met, I thought. . . " she blushed a bit. "Hey this guy is pretty cute to be my rival. Of course I hated him after he beat me in the race though."
"If hated me you wouldn't have congradulated me afterwards." Haru teased.
"Hey, I was being nice."
"And you stutter when you're trying to be nice."
"Stop teasing me!" Haru just chuckled before going back to eat. (Y/N)'s mother laughed.
"You two are so cute." She said. Her Dad nodded.
"You're perfect for my (Y/N) Haru." Haru smiled.
"I'm really lucky to have her. She's the best girl I could ever want to be with. And I'm lucky to have her." (Y/N) blushed.
"Haru. . . ." He looked at her and gave her a smile.
Later . . . .
(Y/N) walked Haru home after dinner.
"That was really sweet what you said back there Haru. Thank you."
"I meant every word you know." They stopped in front of his house.
"Yeah. Thank you Haru. I'm thankful to have you as my boyfriend."
He smiled and kissed her. She smiled as she kissed back. He pulled away.
"Happy Thankgiving (Y/N)." She hugged him and he hugged back.
"Happy Thanksgiving Haru."
I dedicate this story to @humicorn my bff who actually read these stories. (No offense to other readers. Love you guys)
Rei: May I go next?
Rin: Wait what?!
Hey he was polite! Any ways, stick around!

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