Treat You Better (Nitori x reader)

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I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you
(Y/N) waited in bed for her boyfriend. Honestly she didn't even want to see him. (R/G/N) was an abusive boyfriend towards her. And she hated it. But she couldn't escape.
You can say I'm wrong
But I see it on your face
When you say that
He's the on that you want
Suddenly her phone chimed. She picked it up to see it was her best friend Nitori.
Nitori 🐶: Hey are you okay?
Nitori knew about (R/G/N) aggression towards her. So it was naturally that he was worried about her.
You: Yeah. I'm just waiting for (R/G/N).
You're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop
Nitori 🐶: Come over my place for a bit. We can watch a movie.
You: Sure.
She put her phone down and got changed.
Nitori's house . . . .
(Y/N) knocked on his and he answered, inviting her inside. She sat down on his couch.
                  "(Y/N), are you sure you're okay?" Nitori asked a bit worried, noticing a bruise on her arm.
                  "Yeah. I'm fine. It wasn't as worse as last week." She said. He shivered at the memory of cleaning (Y/N)'s poor bleeding lip, nose, and cuts on her arms.
                  "I don't want you to go back to him, (Y/N). In fact. . . ." He clutched his fist. "I want you to live with me."
I know I can treat you better
Than he can
Cause any girl like you deserves a
Her eyes went wide.
                  "Nitori . . . ." He grabbed her hand and looked deeply into her eyes.
                  "Please (Y/N). I can't stand to see you get hurt anymore. I want you to be safe."
C'mon why are you wasting time
Why are you wasting it crying
When you should be with me instead
Just then a large knock was heard at the door. Nitori answered it and (R/G/N) came in. Obviously drunk.
                  "I knew you were here!" He grabbed on harshly onto her wrist. "C'mon! We're leaving!"
                  "You know what!? No!" She pulled back her arm. "I'm not going with you! Not this time! And not ever!"
                  "Why you little!" He threw her on the ground. (Y/N) knew that (R/G/N) wasn't afraid to beat her in public. She braced herself for the pain, closing her eyes.
Cause I know I can treat you better
But no pain came. She opened her eyes to see that Nitori had caught his fist. He gave (R/G/N) a death glare. He kicked him the stomach and leaned to his ear.
                  "Listen closely. If you ever lay another finger on my (Y/N) ever again, your ribs aren't the only things that are going to be broken. Understood?!" (R/G/N) nodded and Nitori released him. (R/G/N) ran out of the house.
                  "Nitori . . . ." He went over to her and hugged her. She hugged him back. "Thank you. You freed me."
                  "Be my girlfriend please? I promise I'll treat you better than him." She smiled.
                  "Of course."
Better than he can
Happy Valentine's day every one! I hope you have a good one!
Next up: Rei x reader

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