Little Nightmares (Sousuke x reader)

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(Y/N) was running down the airport lane trying to catch up to him.
                  "Sousuke! Please don't leave!" He turned to her and gave her confused look.
                  "I don't want to be with you any more (Y/N)." Her heart shattered. She felt her world in right there, falling into a endless hole.

(Y/N) sprang up from the bed panting uncontrollable, tears running down her face. She hugged herself.
                  "Just a dream . . . ." She mumbled to herself.
                  "(Y/N)?" A groggy voice called. She looked over to see her boyfriend Sousuke looking at her tiredly. "Are you okay?" He noticed her tears. "What's wrong?"
                  "N-nothing." She was about to lay back down but he slowly brought her onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her in a gentle embrace. She rested her head on his chest.
                  "What happened?"
                  "I had a little nightmare. That's all." He nodded and slowly rocked her back and forth. She buried her face in his chest. "I love you. Please don't leave me."
                  "What?" He looked into her eyes. "Why would you think I was going to leave you? I would never do that (Y/N)." He kissed her forehead. "I love you and I'm never going to leave you." She smiled at him and hugged him tight.
                  "I love you too Sousuke." Sousuke laid her down and then laid beside her. The two drifted to sleep.
                  "I feel safe as long as I have Sousuke."
I hope you like the quick update I made. I got bored so *shruggs* yeah. Thanks for 6 hundred likes guys.
Next up: Kisumi x reader

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