Confusing Feelings (Rin x reader)

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                  "That face." (Y/N) thought. Her and Rin have been dating for 5 months now. But he hasn't smiled since. She's been thinking that he have already lost feelings for her. He was so dull about everything they do. As they walked down the street, (Y/N) looked at him with a small smile.
                  "Hey Rin. You wanna go to the cafe today?" She asked him.
                  "Can't. I wanna rest today. My body is still sore from swimming." He said coldly. She nodded. She felt her heart shatter.
                  "It's fine I-"
                  "Hey (Y/N)!" She  turn to see her old friend, Kisumi.
                  "Kisumi!" She ran up to him and he hugged her. Rin growled under his breath.
                  "It's so good to see you (N/N)~chan!" He ruffled her hair and she giggled. "What are you doing out here?"
                  "I'm here with My boyfriend." She pointed at Rin.
                  "Oh? I had no idea Rin and you has started going out? Hey Rin."
                  "Kisumi." Was all Rin said. Kisumi shrugged and turned to (Y/N).
                  "So, how about we go to the cafe nearby here?" He asked.
                  "Rin said that he's tired so he'll be going home. I'll go if you want." (Y/N) replied.
                  "Cool. Let's get going." (Y/N) turned to Rin and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
                  "I'll text you later."
                  "Whatever." He muttered. (Y/N) felt herself shrink down.
                  "I love you." His eyes widen at her words. Before he could reply Kisumi grabbed her arm.
                  "C'mon! Let's get going!" He dragged her away as he ran off. Rin was left there, stunned. He sighed and turned to walk away.
                  "Don't turn around. Don't turn around."
                  "I love you." He ran his hands down his face and groaned.
                  "Arg!" He turned around and started following them. "What is this feeling!?"
At the cafe . . . .
Kisumi and (Y/N) sat at a table for two waiting for their drinks to come.
                  "So, how's Rin been treating you?" Kisumi asked. (Y/N) shrugged.
                  "Fine, except . . . .well . . . .he's a little . . . ."
                  "Cold?" She giggled.
                  "How did you know?"
                  "I've been his friend for a long time now. I'm pretty sure I'd know how he acts." She sighed.
                  "I guess so huh?" He saw a sad look go over her face.
                  "Is there something wrong?"
                  "It's just. . . . Rin doesn't really show that he cares about this relationship as much as I do. It scares me. Does he really care? Or does he not?" She felt tears on the brink of her eyes. Kisumi noticed this and grabbed her hand.
                  "Hey. It'll be okay. Just give the guy a little more time."
                  "But never once has the word 'I love you too' left his mouth. Does . . . He not want me to Love him? He makes me confused sometimes."
                  "Love isn't supposed to be easy. Like regular teenagers say 'love is a battlefield'. But don't worry. You'll get through it."
                  "Thanks Kisumi." The waitress came by with their drinks. They started drinking. Suddenly Rin ran into the cafe.
                  "(Y/N)!" He called.
                  "Rin!?" He ran to her table and hugged her.
                  "I'm sorry. I should've known. Kisumi texted me everything."
                  "He did what?!" She looked at Kisumi to see he took out his phone be had been hiding under the table.
                  "The truth is (Y/N) . . . I've been so overwhelmed by these new feelings I wasn't really sure how to react. Whenever I see you smile, I feel my heart beat faster. Whenever I see you sad, it makes me wanna feel sad too. When I see you with a different guy, I feel so mad that I wanna tear them limb from limb. No offence Kisumi."
                  "Non taken." Kisumi said calmly. She was staring widely into Rin's red eye. He was serious.
                  "But now I know that my emotions weren't the only feelings getting affected. Yours were too. And I'm sorry. But please. Day those three words that I love to hear." She blushed.
                  "I . . . . I love you."
                  "I love you too." Kisumi clapped totally ruining the romantic moment.
                  "Bravo to these two love birds." He chuckled. Rin glared at him and grabbed (Y/N)'s hand.
                  "If excuse me I'll be taking my girlfriend back." He said pulling her our of her seat.
                  "Oh no. She's all yours. Go ahead." (Y/N) quickly grabbed her coffee before Rin dragged her out of the cafe.
I hope you enjoyed this update. Like I said requests are always open.
Next up: Rei x reader

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