Spectacular Spectacles (Jared)

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You walked towards your trailer and opened the door. You wheeled in your trolley bag, which had your duffel on top. You placed it to the side, next to the couch and took your jacket off. You rubbed the cast on your hand and sighed.

Filming on the Supernatural set had already started but you had come late because you had sprained your hand, due to falling down the stairs. You felt embarrassed when you told everyone what had happened, especially when you told Jared.

But that wasn't the worst part. Turns out the reason you fell was because you had weak eyesight. You went to the doctor and yes... You guessed it. You got glasses.

You'd stare at yourself in the mirror, hating how you looked. You had considered getting contact lenses but you had to be all responsible and clean to use them or you could get an eye infection.

In the end, you were stuck with frames on your face, making the world easier to see but making it harder for everyone to look at you... You thought.

You sighed as you placed your hand bag on the table. It wasn't like you're whole world was blurry but, you had to squint to see words properly and seeing things 20 feet away was tiresome. It gave you a headache.


You jumped a bit, startled by the sudden noise at the door. You walked cautiously towards it then opened it up. There stood Jared, looking happier than usual.

"Hey [y/n]! I'm so happy to see you," Jared greeted and gave you a hug. You hugged him back, loving his warmth and essence.

"How are you? How's your hand?" Jared asked, running a hand through his hair. You looked at your hand and sighed, "I'm fine and my hand's okay... It's just limiting. I can't do much with it because it's my dominant hand." Jared nodded, looking a bit sad.

"Well, at least it's not that serious," Jared looked to the ground, shyly, "I was really worried about you." You gave him a small smile. He was the sweetest person and you both were best friends. You didn't have that sort of relationship with anyone else on set.

"Good timing though," Jared said, "Lunch time just started." He gestures for you to follow him and you stepped down the stairs. You tripped on the last one and if Jared wasn't there, you would have fallen face first.

"Are you okay?" Jared asked with concern and you nodded, slightly embarrassed.


You sighed when you entered the food tent. There were labels for all the trays.

Great. More reading, You thought.

You walked ahead, giving Jared a forced smile. You took a plate and started to thinks of ways in which you could find out what was being served.

You could ask Jared what food was there but it would be really weird if you were asking him for every single tray. You cut that option.

Next, you thought that you could pick up the labels. That way you could see clearly but again, everyone would probably stare at you.

You could just look at the food but you wanted the labels to make sure you knew what you were eating.

You sighed.

You walked to the first tray and you bent down a bit. You opened it up and looked inside, acting as if you were smelling the aroma but actually looking at the label: 'Beef ribs'.

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