Shoo Off Jensen! (Misha Ft. Jensen)

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"Hi Misha! How are you?" You greeted and shook his hand. He smiled widely and shook your hand, "I'm good, what about you?" You nodded, "Doing well."

You both sat down on a table, a few papers infront of you, and with your cameraman next to you pointing the camera to Misha.

You were at Comic Con and were interviewing Misha Collins, the actor who plays Castiel on Supernatural. You were excited to talk to him, he was your favorite.

Being a journalist can be cool. You get to meet so many people and hear their cool and weird stories. But you were super happy today, Misha was one of your favorite actors.

"So... Misha... How does it feel to come back to Comic Con and meet the fans once again for another year?" You asked and he smiled.

"Oh I love meeting the fans and I absolutely love Comic Con or any conventions. Sometimes the questions are very sensible like 'How does Castiel feel about this plot or that character?' and sometimes it's like 'What shampoo do you use?'," Misha explained and you laughed.

"Well I hope I can keep it on the 'sensible level'," You said and looked at our papers. "I really don't mind the weird ones sometimes," He said and winked at you. You raised an eyebrow, praying that you weren't blushing your ass off.

"Okay so coming to the show, Supernatural, how is it going to treat Castiel this season? The last one didn't end on such a great note," You asked and Misha thought about the question for a moment before answering.

"Well the good news is that Castiel is going to be treated well this season. He's happy for once and people are happy with him and what he does and the choices he makes," Misha explained and you have him a thumbs up.

"I'm so glad! Castiel is my favourite character on the show... And I'm not just saying that because I'm interviewing you," You told and he smiled.

Just then, you saw the one and only, Jensen Ackles walk up to the table with a grin on his face. He put a finger on his lip, telling you to not say a word.

"You're really sweet. A lot of people don't usually-"

Misha stopped and clenched his jaw as Jensen started stroking his cheek with the back of his hand. Misha looked clearly embarrassed. You struggled to keep your laughter in.

"Umm so, as I was saying..." Misha started but stopped and sighed. It was hard for him to ignore it. He was definitely going to kill Jensen later on.

Jensen sat down at the table with a wide smile plastered on his face. "Hey guys! What's up?" He greeted. You smiled softly, "Oh I'm just interviewing your friend, that's all."

"Oh well, don't mind me. Please continue," Jensen said and you shifted in your seat. Your phone had to interrupt you, it started ringing.

You ignored for the first few rings but when you saw that it was your boss, you apologized to Misha and answered the call. You walked away from the table and talked to your boss.

"Jensen, what are you doing?!" Misha whispered fiercely. Jensen gave him a questioning look, "What do you mean?"

Misha rolled his eyes, "Can't you see that I'm in the middle of an interview? You ruined the flow of conversation we were having." Misha rubbed his forehead and Jensen grinned.

"You like her don't you?" He raised his eyes brows and Misha gulped. "N-No I don't. I don't even know her," Misha stammered a bit.

"Yeah well, you like her," Jensen said, "It's fine, you're a human and you can like people sometimes. Plus, she's pretty and she seems nice." Misha started thinking about the interview, the way you'd smile and laugh at him. It made him feel warm inside.

Jensen saw you coming back, "Well I wouldn't want to ruin your little crush. I'll see you later." He patted Misha's shoulder and the actor who plays Castiel would have surely beaten his friend up if he wasn't in public.

"I'm so sorry about that Misha, it was my boss and I had to answer," You said and sat down. He smiled at you, "It's fine, no problem." You looked behind him and frowned, "Where's Jensen?"

"He had to go," Misha explained and you sighed. "Oh well, It would have been nice to get a few answers from Dean Winchester," You said.

You both conversed for another ten minutes, sometimes going completely off interview topic when he'd ask you questions instead. You liked talking to him, he's so sweet.

You had lost track of time till your cameraman tapped his watch. You looked at yours with surprise.

"Oh I'm so sorry, we've been talking for almost an hour!" You said, a little embarassed, "You must be really busy with other interviews and stuff."

You took out a piece of paper and hesitantly wrote your number and name. "If you want to add anything for the video interview and written article, any other opinions and more, don't hesitate to give me a message or call me," You smiled, hoping that it didn't seem creepy that you gave him your number.

Misha examined the note and smiled back. "I surely will," He said and stood up while you did.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Misha! I hope we meet again in the future," You shook his hand and he shook back. "It was lovely talking to you, I had a great time," He said and you nodded.

He watched you walk off with your cameraman, as you asked him about how the interview went.

One thing Misha was sure about was that as soon as his day was over, he'd sit down on his couch, take his phone out and dial your number, and hopefully think of a not-so-creepy excuse for calling you.

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