Friends On A Flight (Jared)

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"Welcome!" The airhostress infront of you beamed with happiness as she gestured ahead, "Your seat is on the right side, the window seat."

You nodded and thanked her, wheeling your small trolley bag towards two seats on the side somewhere towards the centre of this section of the plane.

You picked your trolley and frowned. It was pretty heavy and you were exhausted from walking all over the airport. You had gotten lost while finding your terminal, walking to the far end of the airport and then finding out it was on the complete other side.

You attempted picking it up again after opening the overhead compartment, looking like some weakling that couldn't put a small trolley above herself.

"Allow me to help," A voice said.

You turned to find that it was a man. He had slightly shorter than shoulder-length hair, brown, with a short stubble. You looked at him as if he was the most beautiful piece of dessert from a restaurant.

It was Jared Padalecki. And he was sitting right next to you on the plane.


"I uh... I don't want to sound obsessive and stuff but I love Supernatural and your character Sam," You told and he turned to you, "Honestly, that show has changed my life."

"Aw thanks! I'm glad to be part of something like that... and I'm glad it worked out for you," Jared responded sincerely and smiled at you softly.

You couldn't believe that you were actually calm. Your heart was jumping in your chest no doubt but you were surprisingly... normal, given that one of your favourite celebrity was sitting next to you on a flight that is more than 2 hours long.

The plane took off in the next half an hour. You were fascinated at the fact that Jared continued to converse with you. You didn't want to seem too nosey so you didn't ask him a lot of questions.

But he definitely wanted to know more about you.

"So, what do you do for a living?" He asked you and you smiled. "Well I... I graduated from drama school 3 months ago. I had been working on small films for friends and this upcoming director in the city," You told, "I'm actually flying to the set of a movie I've been casted in. It's the first film I need to fly for."

"Oh congratulations! I hope it goes well," He said and you thanked him. He looked out the window, then turned back to you, "Do you have an audition clip or something?"

You raised your eyebrows slightly, "Y-Yeah I do actually. Do you want to watch it?" He nodded and you took your phone out, searching through your videos.

"Maybe you could give me an expert opinion... and tips," You said and gave him your phone.

He plugged in his headphones and you watched the screen, eyes darting to his face and back to the screen constantly to see his expressions. A smile appeared on his face, watching your audition clip.

Jared seemed impressed. He was surprised that he had stumbled upon a pretty good actor. "Wow, you're actually really talented [y/n]!" He complimented and have you your phone.

"Thank you Jared! Anything I could improve on?" You asked and he shook his head. "Maybe just a little bit on the way you say the dialogue," He replied, "Its a sad dialogue right? So you need to really feel it within you." You nodded slowly, listening to his advice closely.

"You've seen the way I play Sam. I'm not boasting or anything but when the scene is sad I try to show it especially in my eyes," He said, "If you believe it, viewers would believe it too. It'll come naturally." You smiled softly, "Okay, I'll work on that. Thank you!"


You both were actually having a great time. Sure you were acting like kids and playing the games on the screens placed onto the seats in front of you, but you enjoyed it.

Jared told you all about the set of Supernatural, the jokes Jensen and him play on Misha and what their normal working day is like.

"You should really come to the set to get the whole feel of it. It's a great place to be in," Jared said and you smiled. He paused then a look of realisation appeared on his face.

"You know, that's a great idea! You could come on Supernatural for a future episode, maybe as a minor character, I don't know, they always need a bunch of people to do a few lines," Jared said and you looked at him, stunned, "I mean, you're a great actress so they'll definitely give you a good role for atleast one episode."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Jared Padalecki who plays Sam Winchester on Supernatural was recommending that you come on the show and act?!

It felt like a dream. It was too good to be true.

Jared searched his pant pocket for his phone and opened up his notes, "Give me your name and number, and maybe the guys can slip you in somewhere. I mean, if you want to."

You wanted to scream. Get a chance to be on Supernatural and you say no?! No way that's going to happen!

"Of course I'd love to Jared!" You said and narrated your full name and phone number, along with your email address as well. He smiled as he saved the note.

There was a moment where both of your eyes locked onto each other. It stretched into what seemed like hours, till you both shook out of it, awkward.


You stood at the gate. Your car was parked outside the airport while Jared would have to wait for another 3 to 4 hours at the airport because he has a connecting flight.

You didn't want to leave. You may have actually become friends with Jared Padalecki, far from being a fan and more of a real, sincere friendship.

You looked at him sadly. "This is goodbye then Jared," You said and he nodded, looking to the floor. You fidgeted with your hands then hugged him tightly, startling him a bit.

He wrapped his arms around you, the embrace was cozy and relaxing. You shut your eyes, his cologne smelt amazing. "I'll miss you," You mumbled. "Me too [y/n]," He said.

You pulled away and ran a hand through your hair, "Well, I should go. I don't want to keep my car waiting." He raised his hand and waved, "You sure you don't want help with your bags." You shook your head and smiled.

"Call me okay, when you reach?" You said and he nodded. "Sure will! And I'll tell the producers of the show about how great you are," He said and you smiled shyly.

You walked to the large exit doors, where countless other people went out of the airport and ready to continue your life. You were probably the only one who didn't want to.

But you have a job on a movie to do.

You looked back and waved at Jared. He stood there and smiled, waiting in the same spot till he saw you drive off in the car.

You couldn't believe that a plane ride would perhaps change your future.

It felt so... unreal... and how a fan would put it, so 'supernatural'.

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