Cheater Cheater, Lemon Eater (Dean)

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🎶: '30 Minute Break' by The Luka State



Dean's been a bit... Distant lately, have you noticed?" You asked Sam quietly while his brother went to get himself a sandwich from the kitchen. "What do you mean?" Sam questioned.

You fidgeted with your hands, "I don't know, he'd always come and wish me goodnight even if he's working late. He'd sleep with me then go back to work after I fell asleep." You sighed, "He barely talks to me anymore." You looked at Sam sadly.

Dean's your boyfriend. You both love each other a lot but he's been preoccupied and 'busy' these days. He goes out at night and comes back really late and when you or Sam ask him about it all he says is 'I went to the bar' or 'I needed some air'.

You knew something was up. You were curious and slightly fed up.

Just then, Dean walked into the room. "Hey baby," You said and gave him a small smile. He looked up and nodded, "Hi [y/n]."

You paused. He never called you by your name. He'd always say 'babe' or 'baby' or call you by your nickname. Hearing him say your name sounded weird... Sounded creepy.

You looked at Sam with a suspicious expression. "Are you alright?" You asked Dean. "Huh? Yeah yeah, I'm... Fine," He replied but you were not buying it. He didn't even look at you. You thought of walking to him and talking about it but you chose otherwise.


You walked out of the shower and dried your hair with a towel. It relaxed you, helping you to not care about Dean's behaviour lately.


It was Dean's phone.

Normally you wouldn't do it but you had to look at his phone. He never kept anything from you but you needed to find out what was wrong with him.

You unlocked his phone, his password being your birthday, and clicked on the text message:

You unlocked his phone, his password being your birthday, and clicked on the text message:

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The phone fell from your grasp. You threw the towel in your hands and kicked the side table beside your bed. You were so furious you had the capacity to kill someone.

You stormed out of the bedroom and went to the library. You remembered to pick the phone up and take it with you.

Upon seeing Dean, you rushed to him and immediately slapped him right across his face as hard as you could.

"[y/n] what the hell?!" Dean yelled at you and Sam stood up from his seat. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You screamed and held the phone infront of his face.

"Who's Katrina huh?! How many times have you slept with her?!" You were so close to throwing the phone at Dean's face.

Dean's eyes widened, Sam was clearly on your side now with his arms crossed. "HOW COULD YOU DEAN?! AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH, AFTER ALL THE THINGS I'VE DONE!" You shouted. Dean attempted to say something but you stopped him.

"I gave up my normal life to be with you Dean, I sacrificed having a normal life just for you and this is what you do to me!" You said as tears streamed down your face.

"I haven't sleep with her..." Dean said, looking at the floor. "Oh yeah? And what plans did you have at 9 pm?!" You spat, "I don't do this usually, enter your privacy, but you wouldn't even talk to me Dean! How was I supposed to feel? What was I supposed think?!"

"I'm leaving you Dean, and you can spend all the time you want with this-with this Katrina in public," You stated and walked off. Sam didn't butt in, this was between you and Dean.

"[y/n] wait, please!" Dean said, "It wasn't me." You glared at him as you took your bag out and threw all your things inside.

"She met me at a bar and gave me her number. I didn't do anything, I didn't even save it. It was all her," Dean said, "She was the one who kissed me, she dragged me to her car."

"Oh and you lied, didn't you? About not sleeping with her?!" You said, tears continuing to roll down your cheeks.

"I-I... I didn't want to. I refused but she insisted and what was I supposed to do?!" Dean tried to defend himself.

You laughed, "Uh well, push that bitch off and say that you're taken?!" Dean didn't say anything.

"You know... I know the way you are. You can't be with one person," You said and put the bag over your shoulder, "You're a player Dean Winchester, you're all about those one night stands and I'm fine with that. But I can't be with someone like that so you keep your stupid reasons to yourself and I bid you farewell."

You shoved past him and walked towards the library. You saw Sam and broke into his arms. He hugged you tightly while you cried out.

"I have to go Sammy, your brother is a jerk and I hate jerks," You said and he sighed. You kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you for everything these past few months. I'll miss you."

"[y/n] wait, don't go please!" Dean pleaded. He was crying, the rear stains starting to dry on his cheeks. You turned around, "Yeah? Give me one reason why I should stay."

Dean looked at Sam for help but all San did was stare ahead. "I..."

You looked at your watch, "Dean I don't have time-"

"I love you [y/n]," He said and you stopped. He had never told you he loves you, ever. You thought of giving him a second chance but as quick as it came, it went away.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you spent your time with Katrina," You said and stood up strongly, "Goodbye Dean. I wish to never see you again in my life and I hope you enjoy your night with that... Chick."

You squinted at him then turned around and walked off. You climbed up the stairs while Dean was left standing, speechless.

You exited the Bunker and looked at it one last time before driving off.

I loved you Dean, I really did, but you were just... You were just ignorant, you thought.

'You don't know what you've got till you lose it' a wise person once said.

Dean will surely know what mistake he's made now. Losing you will just be the start of his downfall...

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