Unlawful (Castiel Pt. 3)

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(Did this one later on but i thought i'd put it after the previous parts)

Castiel came back to the car with two bottles of water, an apple and a banana. "Here you go," He gave you a bottle and you quenched your dry throat. "Mmm, thanks," You smiled at him then he handed you the apple. You shook your head but he insisted.

"You need to be energised. You need your vitamins and... things," He told and you raised an eyebrow. "I'm fine Cas," You said but that had no effect on him. You rolled your eyes and took a bite from the apple. "Happy?" You said and he nodded.

You felt a bit sick from driving for so long. You and Cas have been on the road and staying at motels for almost 3 months, ever since you found out you were pregnant with a nephlim.

The day after you found out, Cas was convinced that it wasn't safe to stay at even the Bunker. Angels would be after you, on your tail to make sure that this child is taken care of for good. Cas wouldn't let them do anything to you or the baby, neither would you.

Cas drove until the car suddenly decided to shut down in the middle of a small town. You sighed. This had been the third time this had happened in these few months and Cas refused to show it to a mechanic.

"Baby, please give it to a mechanic. He'll know what he's doing," You sort of begged as you rubbed your 3-dimensonal stomach. Nephilims don't need the whole 9 months to develop. Cas told you that it takes 5 months, and in a few weeks your baby would arrive, as you've been counting.

"I can do this. It's not that hard," Castiel said, "I'll just... Google it." He winked at you and you looked at him in disbelief. You grabbed your bags but he immediately took them from you.

He held your hand as you both walked to a motel for protection from the open. Through the months, he'd make sure you weren't exposed to the open, where Angels could track you. Sure he put a protection over the baby but they could still sense some sort of presence.

You got a room and you took your jacket off. You threw it onto the bed and sighed. You were immediately bored, unsure of what to do and what Cas would let you do.

You walked to the sink to get a glass of water but Cas held your arm. "Just sit down," He said and you clenched your fists. "I want to drink something," You said and he tilted his head.

"What happened to the bottles of water?" He asked and you crossed your arms. "I finished them," You told and he forced you to sit down. He brought you a glass of water and you stared at him with frustration. You took it and drank the water in small sips.

He sat down next to you searching on how to fix cars on 'Google'. "So how long are we going to stay here?" You inferred and he shrugged. "Maybe a day or two, till the car is fixed," He answered, "Then we'll go to the Bunker as quick as possible."

He had refused to go to the Bunker at all, but you had convinced him to by saying that the more people present to protect you the better it would be. Cas eventually agreed and planned your long roadtrip accordingly.

There was silence for a few minutes, except the clicking on Castiel's phone. You decided to break it.

"Do you think the Angels will be after our baby after he or she is born?" You asked, slightly fearing the answer. Cas looked up to you with concern, "I-I'm not sure... but I'll do everything to protect you and the baby, even if it means giving myself up."

You shut your eyes and shook your head, holding his hand, "Don't say that, please. I don't want anything happening to you."

You heard him sigh and you frowned at the thought of him not being with you.

You winced, groaning softly. "What's wrong?" Castiel asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Nothing, the baby just kicked," You smiled as you rubbed your stomach.

Castiel nodded and looked away, feeling a bit out of place. You moved ahead a bit, "Do you want to feel?" He looked to you and shook his head, "Uh, no I'm... fine." He looked a bit shy.

"Oh come on, Cas. The baby does it all day long, no harm done," You said and put your hand out, asking him for his hand. He was always hesitant when you asked him. You couldn't even believe it but he's never felt your child kick. To even think that it's his child too... it makes you sad.

You were determined right now. He didn't make an effort to give you his hand so you grabbed it. You held his hand by the wrist and placed it somewhere between the side and middle of your belly.

You watched his face for a reaction. You witnessed the nervousness on his face turn into relaxation and happiness slowly. It made you feel calm inside.

He shut his eyes and smiled warmly, loving the feeling of your baby. Because it's a nephlim, Cas could feel it's power. "The baby is... so strong," He said and you bit your lip.

 so strong," He said and you bit your lip

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He shifted in his seat and came closer. He looked to you with joy, regretting all the times he was hesitant. "See? There's nothing to be afraid of," You said, "Your baby loves you. I've never felt it move this much. I guess it can feel that you're an Angel too."

Castiel placed his other hand on your belly as well, rubbing it with his thumbs. You placed one of your hands on top of his while the other on the bed for support. You moaned softly, "The baby likes that. It feels nice."

Castiel smirked and did the most unexpected thing next. He bent down and kissed your stomach. You giggled, "Where did that come from, huh?" He smiled softly.

"Don't be too fearful Castiel. Because of it, You missed out on so many times you could have bonded with your child," You said and put a hand on his shoulder. He nodded and looked down. You lifted his chin and kissed him on the lips.

In between, you groaned a bit, forcing you to break away. "What happened?!" He asked with worry. "The baby kicked again, hard this time," You said and he sighed with relief.

Castiel placed his hand on your stomach once again, staring at it. You felt a slight tingle and Cas smiled softly. "Two more weeks," He said and you smiled. You found it cool how Cas could monitor the baby's development just by his touch.

"Two more weeks and she'll be with us," Cas said and you nodded with excite-

Wait a minute.

"Cas... 'she'?!" You questioned with confusion. He nodded, extremely puzzled at your surprise, "Yes, our daughter."

"You found out the baby's gender?" You raised your eyebrows. "Yes, two weeks ago," He said and you slapped his arm. "And you'd decided to tell me when?!" You said.

He frowned, "I thought that a mother would know the gender of her child. I just... I can feel that it's a girl."

You hugged his neck and chuckled with happiness, "No dumbass, I can't tell! That's why women go to doctors and do those tests. Don't keep anything from me!"

"Oh," Cas sighed, "Well... Congratulations on our daughter then." You kissed him, more passionately, and his hand slid under your shirt.

You felt the warmth from Castiel's hand on your belly. It made you shiver slightly, your baby moved too. You took his other hand and placed it on your stomach as well. The sensation felt nice, it made you feel fuzzy inside.

You pulled away, your eyes glistening with tears of joy. "I'm so happy right now! I thought I'd never know our baby's gender till birth," You said, a tear rolling down your cheek. Castiel wiped it with his thumb and smiled softly.

"Just two more weeks and our life will change for ever."

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