The Waitress (Castiel)

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This imagine is based on season 12 episode 12 'Stuck In The Middle (With You)'
I changed some stuff and added some new things to make it more like an imagine

(I just love this scene so much... Don't you?! 😂👌)



The door bell rang as three guys walked inside the diner. You watched as they sat at a booth next to the window. Two of the guys wore jackets and flannel shirts and the other wore a tan trench coat. You couldn't help but stare at that guy.

They looked at the menus on the table, searching for a meal they'd like to have for lunch. Another table called you over to take their order. Even though you listened to their order, your mind was on that other table with the three guys.

You walked up nervously to their table by the window. One of the guys looked like a player, you didn't like players. He smiled at you and you forced a smile on your face, trying not to act that fake.

"[y/n]..." He said, "Cool name." You smiled forcefully again, "Thanks." You felt awkward and sort of fed up with your job. You get hit on everyday at virtually every hour.

"Yeah, I'll go for the cheese burger," The player said. You wrote it down on your notepad. "Hey, what's the WiFi password?" The other guy with long hair asked.

"Um, 'extra cheese'," You replied. "No just as it is, is fine," Player said and you raised your eyebrows.

"That's the WiFi password, 'Extra cheese'," You said and slightly rolled your eyes. You were having a long day and you were a bit exhausted.

"You know... extra cheese actually sounds good," Player said, "I'll have extra cheese with my burger. I want a carbo load." You sighed.

"Cheese isn't a carbohydrate," You and the guy in the trench coat said in unison. You smirked at him and he squinted in suspicion.

"I'll have a Caesar salad," Long-haired said and player rolled his eyes. You raised an eyebrow.

You hesitated a bit but you said it anyways. "And how about you... handsome?" You asked the guy in a trench coat with a smile. Player and long hair looked at him with their eyebrows raised. He looked flustered suddenly.

"Umm... Uh... I'll have the uh, Sunrise Special please," He said and smiled slightly. You flicked your pen a bit and grinned, "Thanks!" You walked away, feeling happy.

"Oh dude, she is into you," Dean told Cas. Sam stared at his brother with no expression. Cas just... Well, he continued to squint and stare. "Dean," Sam said.

"No this is good," The older brother said, "I've been looking for teachable moments." Dean chuckled. He was looking forward to teaching Cas something.

"The WiFi here sucks," Sam complained, "I've uploaded all the Bunker's file in our archive but I can't download-"

Dean starting snoring. "Nobody cares," He cut in, "Cas there's a thing you need to know about waitresses okay? They get hit on all day long so you got to bring your 'A' game. But upside, they always smell like food."

Sam froze, an annoyed expression on his face, "Why would you want them to smell like food? How is that an upside?!" Dean rolled his eyes at his brother, as if he knew nothing, "Food is a glorious thing. You can smell it-"

And they started arguing. Cas tried to intervene but the brothers were too loud and too into their argument.

"GUYS!" Cas raised his voice, which made the Winchesters look at him, "Stop talking about that and let's think about the case. So this, John... You're sure he's our guy?"

Dean sat back in his seat, "Yeah well, his eyes were glowing on the security tapes and he was apparently in two places at once." Sam was going to add his input but stopped, "Incoming."

Everyone paused and watched you as you approached the table with coffee. You started pouring it into one of their cups when Castiel smelt you. It was discreet so you didn't notice but Dean smiled smugly.

"Hey [y/n], a question for you..." Player said and you sighed. He was probably going to hit on you.

"My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here was uh, was just wondering.... When do you get off?" He asked with a smile and you smirked at the guy in the trench coat.

"Whenever I can..." You replied as you put his cup down. Player smiled widely and winked at his friend, while he gave him a thumbs up. Long-hair raised his eyebrows and said, "Wow" with an unimpressed tone.

You walked away, a smirk permanently plastered on your face. It was the first time you got hit on by a guy that you actually liked.

"Internet's up, we're in business," Sam said with relief. Dean didn't care much about the case. He was just happy that Cas was starting to open up a bit and try out new things in life.


"Cas just go," Dean whispered loudly as he pushed the Angel in the trench coat towards where you stood. You were at the main counter, checking customers' bills and meals.

Castiel was nervous. He's never approached a girl like this. "Uh... H-Hi," He stammered as he fidgeted with his coat sleeve. You looked up, surprised to see the guy standing at the counter.

It was the guy in the tan trench coat... The one you liked.

"Hi," You smiled. He looked at the jar of coins on the counter and scratched his neck. "My friend uh, he suggested that I... That I ask you if you are free to go out w-with me?" The guy said. You raised your eyebrows with fascination.

"Well... Your friend is one wise guy," You answered and closed the cash register, "Lucky for you, my shift just got over." You grinned at him and he smiled nervously.

You walked out from behind the counter and stood infront of him. "I'll be right back," You were about to walk away but you stopped, "I'm sorry, what's your name handsome?"

"Um, Ste-...Castiel," He answered, wondering if he should tell his real name or not. You smiled softly, "Castiel... That's a different name. Different but nice."

You winked at him then walked to the back where all the employees kept their things. You changed into a grey v-neck shirt because the one you were wearing smelt like food.

You wore your black leather jacket on top. You were already wearing black jeans and sneakers so you did nothing with those. You untied your hair and ran your hand through its silky and soft strands. You kept your waitress apron on the rack and picked your bag up.

You walked out, your bag in your hand and went over to Castiel. You had told your boss that you were leaving for the day and he approved it.

"I'm ready!" You said cheerfully, looking forward to a date for once. He smiled and nodded. You hugged his arm as you both walked out of the diner.

You saw the player and the long haired guy standing by a fancy looking car. They kept staring at you and Castiel as you both walked off towards the sidewalk. The player was sort of... Shocked to see you. Secretly, Dean envied his Angel friend.

You smirked at them and walked ahead, with a guy you would love to spend your whole evening with.

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