A Nurse To An Angel (Castiel)

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"Is he feeling better?" Dean asked as he drank his beer. "Last time I checked on him, he was watching Doctor Who on my laptop," You answered and got up, "I should go and see how he's doing."

Castiel's grace was fading away very quickly and he was becoming more human as the days passed. You, Cas and the Winchesters had gone into town for dinner yesterday but as soon as you all got out of the car, Castiel fainted and hit his head hard on the ground. You rushed back to the Bunker to patch him up.

"Hi Cas, how's the show going?" You asked as you walked into the bedroom. Cas looked up from the screen, "I don't understand why the Doctor is so fond of fezzes. It's supposed to be a hat but it's some peculiar maroon cup type of object..."

You smiled and shut your laptop, "I think that's enough Doctor Who for one day." You placed the laptop on your table and sat down next to Cas. You went to touch the bandage wrapped around his forehead but he backed away.

"Hey... does it hurt?" You asked, with a sad face. "No, not much," Cas answered. You gave him a Panadol and a glass of water. He tilted his head with confusion.

"It's a pain killer. It'll help with the pain," You explained. With no confusion gone, he asked, "How does it fight the pain? With swords?"

You laughed, "Oh Cas, you're a dork." He took the medicine and sat still. "Now you need to rest. Come on, lie down," You instructed.

"But I'm not tired," He protested. "Castiel, you need to rest if you want to get healed. Take a nap for an hour or two and I'll make you some dinner when you wake up," You reasoned with him. He sighed and lay down. You pulled the covers over him and tucked him in like a child.

"Goodnight Castiel," You said and kissed his head. He smiled as he watched you walk out of the room.


You walked by your bedroom and were startled to hear a loud sneeze.


You swung the door open to find Cas sitting on the bed, the duvet pulled over his shoulders.

"CASTIEL!" You sort of yelled and he turned to you in shock. He sneezed again as you walked towards him. The lack of grace must be causing his immunity to become weak. Angels don't fall sick...

"You're sick?" You said and sat down on the bed infront of him. He nodded, full of sorrow. "And you didn't sleep?" You said and he shook his head. He looked really ashamed.

"I couldn't... I wasn't sleepy," Cas answered. You took your jacket off, underneath was a sleeveless black shirt. You had knee length shorts on so you didn't bother with those. Cas had his eyes on you, watching your every move.

"What are you doing?" He questioned as you opened your ponytail and ran your fingers through your hair. "Since you refuse to take a nap, I have no choice but to stay in this room with you... and I don't want to sit on a chair doing nothing," You explained.

You climbed into bed next to him, the covers were warm and cozy, making you want to sleep immediately. "But you'll fall sick," Cas argued. "Eh, I rarely fall sick. I just care about you Castiel," You answered.

You both faced each other, the room was dark but not that dark that you couldn't see each others faces. You kissed his forehead, wishing him a final goodnight.

He shut his eyes, a soft smile curled on his lips. He looked so peaceful, you were glad to witness this.

With nothing else to occupy your attention, you shut your eyes as well and slowly fell asleep, not knowing Castiel's hand secretly intertwined with yours.

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