A Leap Of Faith (Jared)

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You climbed up the cold metal ladder that lead high above to the diving board. Just like every week, your heart thumps with full force in your chest as you try your best to not slip and fall.

You're at a fitness centre, one that you go to every twice a week. One day you go swimming and the other is your workout day, spending time mostly at the gym.

You reached the top and took a deep breath as you pulled yourself up and stood tall. You had a great view of the whole swimming pool and the people who were either relaxing in the pool, actually swimming or just walking about.

You carefully made your way towards the edge ahead, fear settling in your bones. You looked around, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you're really high up.

You noticed a guy... the same guy who's always there watching you from the other end of the pool. He witnesses your failed attempts to jump off the diving board every week and you had started to become a bit creeped out.

Every week when you go swimming, You reach the top with confidence that you'll finally jump. But as soon as you see the distance to the water, you scatter off, only to be met with this guy who jumps without any issues after you give him the way, feeling embarrassed.

You looked to your feet and sighed, shoulders slumped. Once you looked up again, the guy wasn't there anymore. Shrugging off the peculiar feeling, you put your arms out infront of you in a diving position and bent your knees.

Something told you that today is the day... today you'll jump, finally.

You took a deep breath and shut your eyes. Just when you were about to-

"It's quite fascinating to watch you every week," A voice from behind you said. You jumped a bit then turned around to find that it was your creepy watcher and the guy who always comes on the diving board after you give up.

"Wh-Who are you? Why do you always watch me while I'm up here?!" Your tone started to mold into one of anger. He walked ahead slowly, hands out in defence.

"My name's Jared and I'm just someone who comes here for some relaxation and exercise, like I guess everyone else here," He explained, a positive vibe emitting from him.

You softened a bit, standing up straight against the railing which gave Jared that sign that you wanted to continue the conversation. "I don't intend on being creepy or anything, it's just... It's interesting to watch the way you act towards the diving board. It kind of makes me pity you I guess."

You crossed your arms, sulking slightly. "Every time I come up here and see you walk away to let me jump, it makes me feel sad," Jared expressed and you felt a little out of place.

Why was he acting so nice to you? Why was he so expressive? Why do you feel good when talking to him?

He took in a sharp breath and looked at you, "I'm going to help you, if you allow me. I'll help you jump today, finally," He said and you nodded slowly. You walked close to the edge and to the centre. He walked up behind you, hesitant at showing you how to do.

"You can hold my hands, if it helps," You gave him permission and he nodded. He held your wrists and pushed them forward. You were once again in your diving position, knees bent slightly.

You started to shake a bit, Jared noticed. "Hey, just take a deep breath," He said calmly and you shut your eyes, following his instructions.

"Now, don't think about anything okay? Just imagine you're flying in the air. The soft breeze, your hair blowing away from your face. You're smiling, as you can see the horizon in front of you," Jared whispered into your ear softly, it definitely relaxed you.

Your breathing steadied, you smiled slightly. "What's your name by the way?" Jared asked and you looked back to him for a moment. "[y/n]... [y/l/n]," You answered and he smiled.

"Well [y/n], I'm sure you'll come back to jump-"


You yelled out as you fell to your 'death'. You made sure you were in the correct position before you dived into the water.


You gasped for air, coming to the surface after a few seconds of hitting the pool. You ran a hand through your wet hair, you could hear a few regulars at the centre clap and cheer with relief that you finally jumped.

You looked at them then looked up to Jared who was still on the diving board, peering down. You glared at him and shot him the middle finger. You could hear him laugh.

He positioned himself then once you swam out of the way, he jumped off. He fell into the water lile an expert, turning once while in the air. You watched him then turned around in anger, strutting off.

"Hey [y/n], wait-"

You didn't look back, you were boiling with rage. He grabbed your arm and held you back slowly. "What do you want?" You rolled your eyes then crossed your arms after he let you go.

"I just-I had to push you [y/n]. It was the only way you could face your fear and jump. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that," He said and you sighed, but didn't give him an answer.

He raised an eyebrow and you walked off. "Where are you going now?" Jared called out and you stopped.

You turned back to him and bit your lip. "I'm... I'm going to go jump again, without you around to push me!"

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