The Disappointment (Jensen)

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🎶: 'Hear Me' by Imagine Dragons


"So this is where we get the make-up done for the actors and specific scenes," Jensen told you and peeked into the trailer to find one of the co-actors sitting there and getting some fake bruises on his face.

Jensen greeted him and pulled you into the trailer, "This is [y/n], my younger sister. She'll be doing a few scenes this season."

The guy in the seat smiled, "It's nice to meet you! I hope you have a lovely time here." You smiled and nodded. Jensen looked at you then at the guy, "She's a wonderful actress. She won an award at school for a play she had acted in."

You rolled your eyes slightly and sighed. Being your elder brother, Jensen usually tends to boast about you. He definitely didn't need to inform this actor of your awards gained at school.

Jensen kept talking about you until you tapped him on the shoulder and whispered for him to stop. It was as if he ignored you. You huffed and pulled on his jacket, yanking him out of the trailer.

He gave you a confused look and you rolled your eyes, walking ahead. He seemed puzzled by your behaviour but then shrugged it off, spotting Jared ahead and giving him a hug.

"You must be [y/n]!" Jared smiled and you nodded. You shook his hand but then he pulled you into a hug, startling you. He squeezed you a bit and you loved the cosy embrace.

"I'll tell you Jared, she's going to leave everyone lost for words when she does her scenes," Jensen informed, "Trust me."

You looked at your brother with disbelief, "Jensen please-"

"We've been practicing together... not that she needs it but she'll be brilliant, ain't that right [y/n]?"

He looked to his side but paused, not finding you anywhere.

You had disappeared somewhere.

"[y/n], where'd you go?" Jensen called out then sighed. Jared told him that you'd turn up and so your brother walked away with his best friend.

You emerged from behind the trailer you and Jensen had been standing next to. You frowned.

You needed some time away from your brother. You knew he won't stop bragging about you but you didn't want to be present when he spoke. People always gave you looks, whether negative or positive.


You were going to film your first scene in the next 5 minutes but you couldn't stop shaking from nervousness.

Like you expected and predicted, Jensen kept slipping in compliments about you to other people when he'd talk casually. It bothered you but you didn't have the will to tell him to stop. You love him with all your heart.

Jensen stood by, off the set but you could see him. This scene you were doing was with Misha, the actor who plays the Angel Castiel.

Everyone had their eyes on you. The words and comments Jensen had made throughout the day created more tension within you.


You dreaded that exclamation.

You focused your attention on the plot of the scene immediately, trying to grasp your lines.

Oh no, I don't remember my line, you thought.

You wanted to run away but you were paralysed in the spot. Misha improvised but it didn't help.

"[y/c/n], Sam and Dean don't mean you any harm, if your silence means that you think they do," Castiel said.

You looked at him with pure terror, "I uh... I just-"

You broke into tears, "I'm sorry, I can't do this!" You buried your face in your hands and ran off the set. You didn't want anyone judging you, laughing at you or even asking what's wrong.

You just embarrassed yourself infront of around twenty people... what more could go wrong?!

You ran to your trailer... your brother's trailer actually, and slammed the door shut. You fell onto the couch and curled into a ball, sobbing till you couldn't see properly.

"[y/n]!" A man said as soon as he stormed in. You peeked through a small gap between your fingers and sighed softly.

It was Jensen.

He came over slowly, sitting down on the couch near your legs, "What's wrong sis? Why'd you run away like that?"

You wiped your tears and sat up, pulling your knees to your chest. "It's your fault..." You mumbled but Jensen looked at you with confusion.

"What?" He questioned, out of shock and because he couldn't hear you properly. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" You yelled, "How do you expect me to do anything when you keep bragging about me to other people?! How do you think that makes me feel HUH?!"

Jensen moved back a bit, frightened and ashamed, "I just-I didn't have a bad intention-"

"Well thanks to you my career is ruined because I EMBARRASSED MYSELF INFRONT OF SO MANY PEOPLE!" You exclaimed and buried your face into your knees, crying once again.

"I love you so much [y/n] and I feel really proud that you're my sister. I guess I just want everyone to know how great you are," He told and you quietened down slightly.

"But you talking about me at every moment puts a lot of stress on me," You argued, "I just end up disappointing everyone."

"You never disappoint anyone. I've never been disappointed at you. You make me so proud that I feel that I need to make sure people don't judge you or get the wrong idea about you," Jensen said, "That's why I think I tend to talk about you a lot... unconsciously. It just comes out."

You sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's been tense for me ever since we got ready for the scene. I guess all of it came out right now." You smiled slightly and he chuckled.

Your brother held your hands and kissed them, "I love you [y/n], don't ever doubt that." You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him.

He immediately held you tightly, kissing you on the head and rubbing your back softly.

"I could never even think of asking for another sister," He said and smiled. You looked into his glowing green eyes and smirked.

"And I would never ask for another big brother to replace you," You responded and he sighed with relief.

"Oh thank God!" He wiped his forehead and you laughed, "Siblings?"


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