Wish Come True (Dean)

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You put on a baggy, off-white cardigan and on top of that you wore your favorite black jacket. You stood infront of the mirror and fixed your hair into a ponytail.

You were excited today. You're always excited to see your baby. You slipped your feet into a pair of black flats and rubbed your exactly 7 months belly. You felt proud.

You made your way towards the Bunker's library, seeing Dean standing there made you happy. "Hey! You ready?" He asked and smiled. You walked up to him, "Ready as I'll ever be." He nodded happily and you followed him to the Impala.

The two of you talked about the baby, what you'd name him or her. You also talked about how you're going to decorate the nursery, the final theme if any chosen.

Soon, you arrived to the hospital. " [y/n] Winchester," Dean told the receptionist and she smiled. "The doctor is waiting for you," She said and you walked to the doctor's room.

You knocked on the door and entered the room slowly. As soon as you saw the doctor, you smiled. "Hi [y/n], hi Dean!" she greeted and you nodded, "How are you feeling?"

"Yesterday I had no energy to even walk but I'm feeling better today," You explained and the doctor nodded. She got up from her seat and picked up a container. "You'll be feeling a lot more tired from now due to the baby's weight and more. I'll tell you the measures to take after we do the ultrasound," The doctor said as she opened the container and removed a greasy substance from it.

You lifted your shirt, feeling a bit shy. Dean was standing by your side, feeling excited. Seeing the baby after a month always left you both in surprise.

The doctor rubbed the substance across your belly and moved the machine's scanner around it. It felt a bit weird but all your attention was on the screen in front of you.

You saw your baby. He or she had grown so much from the last time you came to the doctors. You even saw the baby kick on the monitor, you gasped a bit and Dean squeezed your hand. He was gleaming with joy.

"Well, I've got good news. The baby seems healthy," The doctor said and smiled, "I've got even more good news. You will be able to find out the baby's gender today."

You looked at your husband with happiness. "Would you like to know?" She asked. "Yes please!" Dean nodded, holding your hand more tightly.

"I can confidently say that you're having a baby..." The doctor paused for suspense and it was killing you, "Girl!"

You heard Dean mumble a 'Yes!'. He always wanted a daughter and you felt so happy that he finally got one. "That's amazing!" You said, "I'm so happy right now!"

"I wasn't too sure last time about the gender but now that she's grown more, I know that it's a girl," The doctor explained.

You talked further about what would happen in the coming months, the increase in kicking and tremendous soreness you would have throughout your body. She gave you some medicines for safety precautions.

You said goodbye to the doctor and walked back to the Impala. "I'm so happy Dean, you'll have a daughter soon!" You clinged onto his arm as you rubbed your stomach. "I know and I can't wait," Dean smiled.

"We need to get something to celebrate," You told your husband as he helped you to sit in the car. "Yeah we'll get something," Dean sat in the driver's seat, "I think I know the perfect thing."


You opened the Bunker door and Dean held your hand, helping you as you both climbed down the stairs. "Sam we're back!" Dean called out and Sam entered the room.

"Hey, how did it go?" Sam asked and you smiled. "It went great! And we've got some news and a little treat for you and Cas," Dean said and handed Sam a box from the bag he held in his hand.

"We found out what gender the baby is," You revealed, "Whatever color is inside that cupcake is the gender. It's a little surprise reveal." You excitedly watched as Sam opened the box and took out the chocolate cupcake. He bit into it then looked at the color inside.

"It's pink! So... A girl?" Sam said and you smiled widely. "Yes! You're going to have a niece!" You said and Sam grinned. "Oh this is great! Wow Dean, your wish came true huh?" Sam nudged him a bit and Dean looked to the floor, smiling crazily.

Castiel appeared from out of nowhere and you walked to him, taking a box with you. Dean told Sam about the trip to the doctor today.

"Hello [y/n], why is everyone so happy?" Castiel asked and tilted his head. "Cas you came just in time. Dean and I found out what our baby's gender is!" You said and gave him the box, "There's a cupcake in the box and whatever color is inside will tell you the gender of the baby." Cas looked at you with confusion but you insisted he take a bite.

"What does pink mean? A boy?" Cas said and you laughed. "No silly, pink is for girls! We're having a girl!" You were really excited.

"Oh, wow!" Cas bent down a bit after placing his hands on your belly, "Hi little girl. You'll be as beautiful as your mother." You smiled, blushing a bit. Castiel continued to eat the cupcake and you asked Sam where your husband went.

You followed his answer to your bedroom. Dean was taking his jacket off. Once he saw you come in, he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you. You both swayed a bit and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"This is such a great day," Dean said, "My whole life has changed." You rubbed his back and kissed his cheek, "Me too, hun."

He pulled away and bent down, staying in one knee as if proposing. He placed his hands on the sides of your belly, rubbing it softly with his thumbs. "I can't believe that my baby girl is inside there," He said and looked up to you. You smiled and placed a hand on your hip.

"I love her even before she's been born," Dean said and chuckled. You ran your fingers through his hair, a small smile curling on your lips. He moved closer and placed a kiss on where the baby's head is currently.

"Just two more months dear, and you can spend every moment with her. Atleast you'll be able to see her and touch her physically," You said and stroked your stomach. Dean kissed your stomach again before getting up.

"By the way, while I was at the store I got you a surprise too," Dean told and you raised your eyebrows. "Really?" You said and followed him towards the library.

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