No Key? No open (Rose x Jared)

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This imagine was requested by GraceStrait. I hope you like it!!


"Damn it!" You whispered furiously to yourself. You checked your bag one last time then sighed loudly. You started to panic a bit, your heart thumping in your chest.

You returned to your hotel ten minutes back, after attending a Supernatural convention. It was a brilliant day, one of the best in your life. You got to see a few of your favourite actors live in front of you. What more could you ask for?

But the moment you thought everything was going perfect, you found yourself stuck outside your hotel room because you lost your room key.

You rubbed your head, your eyes darting around from room to room in search for anyone coming or any place you could ask for help. The whole corridor was silent, not a single whisper or voice from any end.

Even though if people were around, it's not like you'd go asking for help. Embarrassment would consume you and you'd rather stay in a hole for the rest of your life. People say they aren't that judgemental but you think otherwise. An abusive relationship months back changed your way of thinking... and it didn't help at all.


You sighed. Sitting outside at your room door was more boring than you thought. You had already counted the tiles on the ground, the ceiling didn't have any otherwise you'd count those too.

"Wrong floor," You heard a voice say from the elevator at the end of the hallway. There was a loud CLANG! and the person forced themself out of the narrow opening.

You decided to look away and act as if you were just waiting for someone to come out of their room.

"Hey, you okay?" A man asked. You tried to maintain your gaze on the other side of the hallway but you failed.

You turned to look and you couldn't believe your eyes. Jared was standing there... the same Jared you saw at the Supernatural convention.

"Everything alright?" He repeated in other words and you got up, flustered and embarrassed to the core.

"I-I, I'm fine. I just-I uh," You stuttered then took a deep breath to calm yourself, "I lost my room key." Jared looked at you with sadness, "Did you ask the lobby for a spare?"

"I think it's late. They'll probably not have any," You tried to find a logical excuse and to your surprise Jared didn't push it further. "Why don't you stay in my room? I mean, you have nowhere else to go," Jared invited and you smiled softly.

"I don't want to cause you trouble-"

"It's no trouble at all! It's the least I could do to help," Jared said and gestured for you to follow him to the elevator.


You told him your name is Rose, and you answered whatever questions he asked about you. You felt comfortable talking to him, not because you're a fan of his but because he's actually really kind and sweet.

Hours later, it had got way too late and you both decided to sleep. "I'll take the couch Jared," You said, walking towards the couch with a bedsheet in your hand to wrap yourself in.

Jared held onto your shoulder and shook his head, "No, you sleep on the bed, I insist. I'll sleep on the couch." You both argue for another five minutes then you sigh with defeat and walk towards the bedroom.

He wished you goodnight and you replied the farewell to him too. You shut your eyes and lay down on the soft mattress, the cold sheets sort of calmed your nerves. You couldn't believe you were actually going to have a good night's sleep, after the fact that you lost your room key.

1 hour later...

"N-No please... I-I didn't d-do anything wrong, pl-please!"

You woke up screaming, sweaty and afraid. At first you didn't remember where you were but as soon as you heard a voice call out "Rose?!", you knew exactly.

Jared peeked into the bedroom to find you sitting up with your legs crossed, sobbing quietly. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly as he sat on the bed next to you.

"I'm fine Jared. I'm sorry that I woke you up. You should go back to sleep," You said, still trembling with fear. Jared shook his head and refused, "Did you have a nightmare?"

You nodded after a moment and he held your hand, rubbing it lightly. "What was it about?" He asked, slightly hesitant.

"I'm a very self conscious person, it's mainly because of a relationship I was in months ago," You said and wiped your cheeks, "My ex was extremely abusive and I was completely traumatized by the whole time I was with him. I tried breaking it off the first time but he beat me about it. I got help from a friend and that's why I'm not with him anymore."

Jared looked at you sympathetically, "That's awful." You nodded, "I have nightmares... well, they are more like memories of my time with him."

"Well, as long as you're here with me, nothing is going to happen to you," Jared said and smiled slightly, "Even after we part, you'll be fine."

He stared at his hands, taken over by complete pity for you and your previous life, and how it has affected you till now. He got up then walked to the other side of the bed, slithering under the covers.

"Why don't I stay here till you fall asleep huh?" Jared suggested and you were about to object but he added, "And you can't refuse."

You sighed then lay back down, on your side and hugging onto the covers. You could feel the bed slump next to you as Jared lay down on his side as well, watching you.

You felt odd that he was laying down next to you but you were really sleepy so that thought went away as soon as it came to your mind.

You could hear him breathing quietly, getting closer to falling asleep. You felt his hand on your pillow, behind your head. He had moved closer to you, wanting to protect you and make you feel safe.

"You're safe with me... Roza," You heard Jared say tiredly, followed by a yawn. You smiled then turned around to see that he was fast asleep, peaceful and calm.

You remained in that position for the rest of the night, looking at him. Soon, you fell asleep and you can say that it was the best sleep of your life.

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