Affianced (Jared)

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Jared laughed. It was the most warming sound you've ever heard. "I don't think Jensen would want to hear about that!" He smiled with his teeth and the audience laughed.

"Now... I want to introduce you to someone very special," Jared, "This person is really close to my heart and is someone I want you all to meet."

He looked to his left and smiled. You were hesitant but he gestured for you to come on stage.

"There have been rumors that I'm engaged. Well..." Jared started and you took a deep breath and walked onto the stage.

There was a sudden applause, everyone cheered for you. Jared side hugged you and you smiled. "Well I can say that those rumors are true," Jared announced and held his hand, raising your hand as if you had won a wrestling match.

"[y/n] and I are engaged!" Jared said happily and the crowd went wild. You were on the show a few seasons ago for almost the whole season. All the fans loved your character a lot and were devastated when you were killed.

"So this is my secret lover," Jared said and pulled you closer and kissed your head. You smiled as the crowd 'aw'ed.

Someone yelled a 'Congratulations!' and you smiled widely. "Thank you!" Jared said and gave you the microphone, surprising you a bit.

You looked at him with a questioning look. "Say something," Jared encouraged and you have him a half smile. You cleared your throat, "Hi?"

Jared rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, say something." He nudged you a bit and you sighed. You hadn't attended a convention in years and you'd rarely come with Jared to one, while staying in the background.

"Well umm... I'm so thrilled to be here right now with all you wonderful people," You said, "Being a secret in his life hasn't helped much with it." You pushed Jared a bit, playfully.

"I guess because you guys didn't know about any of this, you'd want some backstory," You said and everyone yelled 'Yes!'.

You chuckled, "Okay so ever since I was on the show many season ago, I liked Jared." He pulled the microphone towards himself, "And I loved her to bits!" You kissed his cheek, suddenly feeling a bit more confident.

"I don't know what but I just wanted to spend all my time around him," You continued, "In breaks I'd sit with him talking about random stuff, I especially loved shooting scenes with him."

Your face saddened. "Then... I had to leave," You frowned, "That meant I couldn't spend my time with this moose anymore." You smirked at him, "But he had a different idea." You gave him the microphone quickly, which startled him. "Your turn!" You smiled smugly.

"Okay so... I was devastated that she wouldn't be on the show and so I man-ed up and took a deep breath and asked her on a date," Jared told.

Your mind went back to the night of the date. It was a movie with popcorn, then camping near Jared's fireplace with smores. Nothing fancy, but you loved it.

"Then I think you could guess what happened after that. One date become two more, which became two more, which became two more, which became-"

"I think we get the picture Jar," You said and laughed a bit. The audience laughed as well. You were liking the whole atmosphere.

"Then three years of dating later I realised..." Jared held his head, "What the hell am I doing?!" He looked at you, "I'm madly in love with someone and I decide to just continue on the dating level?!"

"I'd pace around my house. I'd call Jensen up and ask him what I should do, I'd even ask Misha for his advice," Jared said. You loved the way he told stories, he'd always keep the listener interested.

Jared bent down a bit, making his legs bowed. "Dude, you're in love. You should get married to her. She's amazing! I'd get married to her if she wasn't with you," Jared imitated Jensen and everyone laughed.

"Did he actually say that?" You asked with surprise and Jared nodded. You had no clue about that.

"And then..." Jared stopped, thinking about something. You were going to say something but he spoke.

He stepped closer to you, facing you and looking into your eyes. "[y/n]... I've known you for more than three years. I wish I'd known you from the beginning," He stepped closer, "You make me smile when I'm sad, you make me cry tears of joy with your sense of humor. You heal me when I'm broken, you complete me."

"If none of this was true, would I be standing here infront of you and about to ask you..." He knelt on one knee, looking up to you. You were shaking a bit, smiling uncontrollably. You knew exactly what he was doing.

"[y/n] [y/l/n]... Would you do the honor of letting me have the person who completes me forever?" He raised his hands a bit, opening an imaginary box in his hands, "Will you marry me?"

Everyone was so quiet. You looked to the crowd, unable to see any faces of reactions because of the spotlights on you. You took a deep breath, "Jared I... Of course I will!"

Within seconds, while everyone cheered loudly, you were in Jared's arms as he carried you bridal style. You squealed a bit, shocked by the sudden action.

"I love you baby," He whispered before kissing you on the lips.

The last thing you remember is how crazy the crowd went, before being drowned away by the kiss.

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