'The Moral Of The Story Is...' (Jared)

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"Come on baby, it's your bedtime," You held out your 6 year old son's teddy bear but he refused to take it. He crossed his arms and shook his head, a grin plastered on his face.

"No no no!" He said and ran out of the room. You raised your eyebrows at how fast he ran out. Your 2 year old boy bounced up and down in his crib and clapped. He was excited because of your failed attempts to get your son into bed.

Your son jumped onto the couch, laughs of pure evil escaped his mouth. When he wasn't suspecting it, you darted towards him and tried to grab his waist, but you were too slow. He anticipated it and jumped off from the top of the couch.


Your son ran to the main door, knowing who it was. He opened it up, a grin still present on his face. "Catch him hun!" You yelled and Jared looked down to his son with astonishment.

"Mommy is forcing me to go to bed! Save me daddy!" [y/s/n] begged and Jared smirked. He held him tightly and picked him up, "Who told you that I'd let you go huh? I'm on mommy's side!" He tickled his son monstrously and laughed.

"Nooooo!" Your son exclaimed and you giggled. He gave up and relaxed, slung over Jared's shoulder and the floor looking too far to jump down to.

"Thanks babe. You'll never guess how long I've been trying to get this bugger to go to bed," You said and wiped your forehead. Jared jumped a bit, startling your son, "Why's that young man?"

"I'm not sleepy!" He said and you raised your eyebrows. "He got his hands on a box of chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon and the naughty guy ate the whole thing! It's sugar and energy overload," You sighed as you watched your son try to wriggle his way out of his dad's strong hold.

"Because of him, his brother hasn't got a wink of sleep and doesn't plan to either," You looked at your son with a frown. Your son looked to the floor.

"Now, my sugar-filled boy, go to your room and settle down. Daddy is going to do something special," Jared put your son down and knelt on one knee, "But you need to promise me that you'll sleep after it." Your son nodded and said 'promise'.

"But what is it?" He put a finger on his chin and Jared ruffled his hair. "Be patient, you'll find out soon," Jared winked at him and he ran off, filled with excitement. You crossed your arms and smirked.

"What's your way to make him sleep?" You questioned and he shrugged. "I'll just... read him a story. Something he'll love," Jared answered.

"The last time that happened, he asked you to read another one then another one... and it went on," You told and he put his arms in front. "It'll be fine, trust me," He wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss on your lips.

"Now aren't you going to ask me how my day went?"


All washed up and calmed down, Jared sat near your son on his bed. You picked your 2 year old out of his crib and placed him on your lap after you sat on one of your son's chairs.

"Okay so, I'm going to read you a story" Jared said, "You may remember this one..." He took the book out from behind his back and placed it infront of your son.

"'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory'! Yay!" He said happily. Jared smiled, "Do you remember what happened when I was reading it the last time?"

You had tried to read him the book last year but he had no interest whatsoever. You only finished three pages. Now, he was more interested in books and only got a taste of the 'big books' on special occasions when Daddy got to read to him.

Your son nodded and Jared glanced to you. You were excited. "Okay so we'll start from chapter two," He opened the book and jumped to the second chapter. Jared began to read:

"In the evenings, after he had finished his supper of watery cabbage soup, Charlie
always went into the room of his four grandparents to listen to their stories, and then afterwards to say good night. Every one of these old people was over ninety. They were as shrivelled as prunes, and as bony as skeletons, and throughout the day, until Charlie made his appearance, they lay huddled in their one bed, two at either end, with nightcaps on to keep their heads warm, dozing the time away with nothing to do."


"While they were talking, Mr and Mrs Bucket, Charlie's mother and father, hadcome quietly into the room, and now both were standing just inside the door, listening. 'Tell Charlie about that crazy Indian prince,' said Grandma Josephine. 'He'd like to hear that.'
'You mean Prince Pondicherry?' said Grandpa Joe, and he began chuckling with
laughter. 'Completely dotty!' said Grandpa George.
'But very rich,' said Grandma Georgina. 'What did he do?' asked Charlie eagerly. 'Listen,' said Grandpa Joe, 'and I'll tell you.'"

"And that's all for-"

You shushed him and he looked at you with confusion. "Baby, he's sleeping," You said and grinned. Your 2 year old was fast asleep too, dreaming about a world of chocolate.

You got up and placed your baby in his crib while Jared put the blanket over your son properly. He kissed his head softly and left the book on his table, a scrap of paper inserted and the book was ready for reading the third chapter.

You slipped out of the room and Jared followed quietly. You closed it till it was ajar. You smirked at Jared and he looked proud at himself.

"See? I've got magical powers," He said and you kissed him on the lips. "Yes, yes you do. And I'm so glad you're mine."

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