Burger And Fries (Castiel)

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You woke up with a start. Sam and Dean were at your side, looking over you. "Hey, she's awake," Sam said.

"Look here! [y/n], welcome back to the world of the living," Dean said and smiled. You shifted a bit on the hospital bed but it was the worse decision you have ever made. You winced in pain, eyes moistening with tears. You felt your hip, a large bandage wrapped around your waist.

"What..." You said, voice hoarse. "You were attacked by a werewolf, clawed at the waist," Sam said. Dean turned to you, "After that he threw you to the wall, resulting in the head and leg injury. By the way, you've got a splitered ankle."

You sighed, again wincing because of the pain. "Well, that's the bad news. The good news is that you're safe and you'll be up and running in about two weeks ," Dean further explained.

"There's some not so great news though," Sam said with a sad face, "We got an alert about the werewolf and we know where he'll be."

Dean smugly smiled, "We're going to kill that son of a bitch!" You smiled slightly, not having the energy to do anything more.

"We... Need to go tonight," Sam said and you looked out of the window of the hospital room, frowning at the lack of light from outside. "You need to go now?" You asked and the brothers nodded. You sighed.

"Don't worry, Cas is going to be staying with you for the whole time," Dean said and winked. You loved spending time with the Angel, and Dean knew all about it.

As if on cue, the Angel entered the room and was relieved to see you conscious. "[y/n]... You're okay," Castiel said and walked closer to the bed.

The Winchesters put their bags on their shoulders and were about to walk out of the door when you asked how long you were out for. Sam looked at Dean, "Two days." You stared quietly. You had just missed two days of your life... Wow.

You were left with the Angel in the trenchcoat, in silence. "So, Cas... How's life?" You asked awkwardly. He smiled and nodded, "Life is good. How are you feeling?" You rested your head in the pillow due to lack of energy.

"You're not well," Cas said and stepped closer to you. He placed a hand on your forehead, as if taking your temperature. "You're hot... In temperature," He said, a bit nervously. You gave him a tired smile, "I'm fine Cassie, it's okay." He nodded and sat down on a chair close to you.

"You know I can heal-"

Just then a nurse knocked on the door and entered the room, bringing a tray of food and placed in on your food stand. "Hello Ms. [y/l/n], feeling better?" The nurse asked and you smiled. "Who's this?" She questioned, looking curiously at Castiel, "Last time I came in, there were two rather muscular gentlemen."

"He's... he's my boyfriend, Steve," You said and the nurse smiled widely. She exited the room, leaving Castiel rather confused. "Why did you say that?" He asked as you observed the food.

"I wasn't exactly going to say 'he's my angel friend'. I'm sorry, that's the only thing I could think of," You answered. You did like him a bit. Okay, maybe more than a bit but... He's an Angel.

He sat there deep in thought, "You don't have to be sorry about it."

You looked at him then opened up the containers and packages of food. You've never liked hospital food, you'd eat it because there's nothing else.

"Yuck... I don't like this at all," You complained as you tasted some sort of pudding. Castiel stood up suddenly, startling you.

He squinted his eyes, "Wait here."

"Cas where-"

He disappeared all of a sudden.

"-am I going to go," You continued, sighing as you looked at your foot.

Moments later, you jumped a bit in surprise to find Castiel back in the room. He had a bag in his hands. He smirked a bit and walked over to you. "Here you go," He said as he removed the contents of the bag.

He gave you a circular object covered in paper. By the smell of it, you knew it was a cheese burger.

"Oh my God Cas! THANK YOU!" You praised him for the deed, thankful you didn't have to eat the hospital food.

"And there are some fries," He said as he took out the pack of fries. "Gosh I love Angels so much! I love you Cas," You said and took a bite from the burger.

"Umm... Do you really?" He asked, looking at you deeply. You slowed your chewing thinking about the question. "I guess..." You mumbled.

He moved closer and fed you a French fry. He took one and ate it, even though he doesn't eat food. "I hope you get well soon," He said and kissed your forehead.

You smiled softly then took another but of your delectible, heavenly cheese burger.

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