Sky-High (Jensen)

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"I don't know, I'm just worried... Yeah I'll message him again... Okay sure, bye. Goodnight," You said and ended the call.

You were talking to your best friend [y/bf/n] about your boyfriend Jensen Ackles. He had gone out with a couple of friends, co-actors, and hasn't been back home for the past 3 hours.

You messaged him again, saying that you wet extremely worried about him. You waited anxiously, it felt as if time had stopped.

No reply.

5 minutes... 10 minutes...

Still nothing.

You had already called him about ten times, with no luck. You decided to call another member of his late night outing: Jared Padalecki.

You dialed his number but there was no answer. You tried calling Misha who's phone had connected but there was this low rumbling sound. You kept saying 'hello' but there was no reply.

I'm probably overreacting. He's probably at a bar. He probably got drunk, You thought.

You stopped for a second to think.

A bar... There are girls at bars. Maybe he- No Jensen wouldn't... He loves me, You thought.

You also had to remind yourself that you were dating Jensen Ackles not Dean Winchester, two completely different characters.


Someone banged their fists on the front door.

You approached the door with caution then opened it. "Oh my God Jensen! Where the hell were you?!" You yelled, not even giving him a chance to enter.

"H-Hey [y/n]," He stuttered. Jensen walked slowly, shoulders slumped, towards the couch. He placed his hands on it and leaned forward, as if he had just ran a mile and was exhausted.

"Baby... You okay?" You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He groaned then did the most absurd thing.

He touched your nose and said 'Boop'.

You rolled your eyes. "You're drunk, aren't you?" You said and crossed your arms. He looked at you and tilted his head. "Drunk?" He said, like a child who doesn't know it's meaning.

"You're high?" You re-phrased. Jensen giggled, "H-High... F-Flying so high... Like a birdy. Tweet tweet... Tweet." He made a puppet bird with his hands and flapped its 'wings'.

You smiled softly. You were glad he wasn't involved in something else more serious.

Your phone rang.

"Oh look! Tring tring!" Jensen was acting like a child. You laughed at his behaviour. You had never seen him this drunk.

It was Misha on the phone.

"Hey [y/n], Jensen reached?" Misha asked in a hurry. "No he didn't," You said, serious. "What?!" Misha exclaimed.

You raised your eyebrows, "Some drunk Jensen imposter is in my house right now. Not my perfectly sober boyfriend." Misha sighed, "This isn't funny [y/n]. Jensen had something really strong and he had a lot of it. We didn't know till when we were planning on leaving. Sorry."

You looked over at Jensen, who had taken his socks off and put it over his hands, playing sock puppets. "It's alright... Don't kill yourself over it. This way, it'll keep him relaxed. He's been a bit worked up lately," You say and frown.

"Okay. You take care [y/n]. Good night," Misha said, " Oh and [y/n]..."

"Yes Mish, I'll send pics!" You chuckled. You ended the call and looked over to Jensen. "Come on teddy bear, let's go to bed," You said and wrapped an arm around his waist. You call him that sometimes, mainly because of the hugs he gives.

Jensen followed you to the bedroom. You gave him a sleeping suit and was about to walk out when he grabbed your arm. "Babe help me, please?" He gave you the 'puppy eyes', something too hard to resist.

You rolled you eyes and sighed, "Fine. Just let me-"

Your face was hit by Jensen's jeans. He threw it onto your face, along with his shirt. He put his pants on by himself and you helped him with his shirt. You found him cute while he acted all childish. It was the complete opposite of how Jensen is normally.

"Is my teddy bear ready for bed now?" You asked. He shook his head and ran to the washroom. You heard the flush a few moments later and the door opened. He walked over to the bed and you switched the light off. You got into bed next to him and pulled the covers over both of you.

"Goodnight J," You said and hugged his arm. "You're beautiful," He said and pulled you closer to him. You were taken aback with those words. After all the childish behaviour, you didn't expect him to say something like that.

"I love you [y/n]," Your teddy bear said and kissed your hand. "I... I love you too Jensen."

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